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时间:2024-07-20 20:03:16 编辑:阿旭






意思是指发动人们参加某项活动。泛指发动;运用。动员是汉语词汇,拼音dòng yuán。出自:1、韦君宜《忆西榆林》:“那些天,挖渠也是全社动员,男女全去。”2、魏巍《创造幸福的家乡》:“ 李德生 在党的鼓舞下没有灰心,又动员了五户共十二户继续干下去。”3、茅盾 《夏夜一点钟》:“她将左手支着头,动员了全身的力量。”动员的近义词:1、鼓动gǔ dòng。(动)激发人们的情绪,使行动起来:开展宣传~工作。[近]发动。2、策动cè dòng。(动)策划鼓动。[近]煽动。3、启发qǐ fā。(动)用事例引起对方联想并有所了解、领悟:~式教学法。[近]启示|启迪。4、发动fā dòng。(动)①使行动起来:~群众。②使开始:~战争|~进攻|~罢工。③使机器运转:天气太冷,柴油机难以~。5、誓师shì shī。军队出征前,召集将士予以训示告诫,表示坚决的战斗意志:~典礼。~大会。




.Film about a 78-year-old Carl the old man, in order to keep the promise of his beloved wife, with his wife and determination to build the house of eli skyrocketed as moving story.

小男孩卡尔·费迪逊(Carl Fredrickson)
著名探险家查尔斯·蒙兹(Charles Muntz)
  1、I...wanna say one last goodbye to the old place.   我...想跟这个老房子最后道别。   2、Find and scent,my compadres and you too,shall have much rewarding from 《飞屋环游记》剧照
data-layout="right"the master.   同志们,找到气味,主人不会忘记我们的汗马功劳。  
 3、See there?There are my wilderness eclorer badger.   看到这些了吗?这些都是我野外探险得来的徽章。   
4、I came all this way here to get stuck on the wrong and of this rock pile?   我跑了这么大老远,就这样被困在石头堆里?


超人总动员的英文:The Incredibles动画片 The Incredibles 的中文译名incredibles是什么意思:adj. 难以置信的;惊人的This is an incredible contraption.这是一个难以置信的装置。 She's incredibly incisive, incredibly intelligent.她机敏过人,才智超群。Untrue or incredible story;falsehood不真实的或不可信的事;谎言 I find these chairs incredibly uncomfortable.我觉得这些椅子非常不舒服。Her incredible story staggers the imagination.她讲的那个令人难以相信的故事使人感到不可思议。


1. 超人总动员的中英文台词 超人总动员精彩对白: Mr.Incredible:Showtime. 超能先生:好戏开始了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash Parr:She'd eat if we were having Tonyloaf. Dash Parr:要是有托尼肉糕她一定会吃。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash Parr:That was the best vacation ever! I love our family. Dash Parr:这真是一个最棒的假期!我爱我的家! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frozone:We look like bad guys. Incompetent bad guys! 冰酷侠:我们看起来很像坏蛋,而且是很蠢的那种! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edna 'E' Mode:[to Mr. Incredible] My God, you've gotten fat. Edna 'E' Mode:(说超能先生)老天爷啊,你可发福了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edna 'E' Mode:What's so "super" about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips. Edna 'E' Mode:超级名模,哼,就那么回事儿!不过是一群烫发涂唇,骨瘦如柴的女孩。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Incredible: No! Call off the missiles. I'll do anything! Syndrome: Too late! 15 years too late. 超能先生:不!别用导弹,我什么都答应! Syndrome:太晚了!整整晚了15年。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirage: Valuing life is not weakness. And disregarding it is not strength. 幻影:尊重生命不等于懦弱,而且漠视生命也不代表强大。 2. 求英文《超人总动员》3~4句的评价 The movie is good, beautiful pictures, the story is simple interesting. But the whole movie what impressed me most is a dubbing: when superman's eldest son run very fast, find themselves on the surface of the water ran a that one laugh. Smile full of tong, really admire voice actors! 3. 超人总动员人物英文介绍~~ 只有CRTL C+CTRL V, 爱要不要了。 Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible: He has superhuman strength and high resistance to harm, is also very resourceful and has often used his intelligence to outsmart opponents. He serves as the main protagonist of the film. Frequently reminisces about his "Glory Days". Voiced by Craig T. Nelson. Helen Parr/Mrs. Incredible/Elastigirl: She has superhuman elasticity and plasticity. Frequently worries for her family's safety. Voiced by Holly Hunter. Violet Parr: She has invisibility and the creation of force fields. Frequently wishes she was "normal". Voiced by Sarah Vowell. Dash Parr: He has superhuman speed. Is a competitive fourth grader. Frequently wishes to prove that he's special. Voiced by Spencer Fox. Jack-Jack Parr: He has various powers, such as the ability to burst into flames, pass through solid objects, teleport, defy gravity, and emit laser beams from his eyes. He can also shapeshift. Voiced by Eli Fucile and Maeve Andrews. Lucius Best/Frozone: He can create ice and freeze objects by using the moisture in the air. Frequently relives the "Glory Days" with Mr. Incredible, though he is reluctant to take more direct action. Voiced by Samuel L. Jackson. Buddy Pine/Syndrome: Mr. Incredible's number one fan, but he grows up to hate him due to the fact that Mr. Incredible wouldn't let him become his sidekick. He serves as the main antagonist of the film. Voiced by Jason Lee. Mirage: Assistant to Syndrome. She defects shortly after Syndrome shows lack of concern for her life when Mr. Incredible threatens to crush her to death, immediately after she had pushed Syndrome out of the way, being grabbed in his place and saving his life. Voiced by Elizabeth Pe?a. Edna Mode: Famous designer of super-suits. A little obsessed with her work. Voiced by writer/director Brad Bird. 4. 求《超人总动员》的英文简介 The Incredibles is a 2004 American computer-animated superhero film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It was written and directed by Brad Bird, a former director and executive consultant of The Simpsons. It stars an ensemble cast including Holly Hunter, Craig T. Nelson, Sarah Vowell, Spencer Fox, Jason Lee, Samuel L. Jackson and Elizabeth Pe??a. The film stars the Parr family, each of whom has superpowers. After the government orders superheroes to live a normal life, Bob Parr (Craig T. Nelson), who formerly went under the superhero alias "Mr. Incredible," secretly returns to being a superhero behind his family's back. At the same time, his kids come to terms with their powers while his wife becomes suspicious of his activities.希望帮到你啦,如满意请采纳~。


Bob Paar used to be one of the world’s greatest superheroes (known to all as “Mr. Incredible”), saving lives and fighting evil on a daily basis. But now, fifteen years later, Bob and his wife (a famous former superhero in her own right) have adopted civilian identities and retreated to the suburbs to live normal lives with their three kids. Now he’s a clock-punching insurance claims adjuster fighting boredom and a bulging waistline. Itching to get back into action, Bob gets his chance when a mysterious communication summons him to a remote island for a top-secret assignment.《超人总动员1》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ymlyBlTgY1Ya_AlchvCLhQ?pwd=ru4x 提取码:ru4x