1,地球 Earth (2007)简介:一部由英国BBC和德国联合制作的关于地球、大自然的纪录片,用了将近3年的时间,通过对地球生命的神秘实录,通过表现大自然美丽景象与野生动物纯粹的生死之搏的真实纪录,再配合柏林爱乐乐团的美妙配乐,将地球的魅力在大银幕上毫无保留的完美呈现出来,旨在呼吁人们保护环境。2,海豚湾 The Cove (2009)简介:理查德?贝瑞(Richard O’Barry)年轻时曾是一名海豚训练师,他所参与拍摄电影《海豚的故事》备受欢迎。但是,一头海豚的死让理查德的心灵受到强烈的震撼。从此,他致力于拯救海豚的活动。不顾当地政府和村民百般阻挠,他和他的摄影团队想方设法潜入太地的海豚屠杀场,只为将罪行公之于众,拯救人类可爱的朋友……本片荣获2010年第82届奥斯卡金像奖最佳纪录长片奖。3,旅行到宇宙边缘 Journey to the Edge of the Universe (2008)简介:这是一部最新、目前为止电视上最好看的宇宙科普纪录片!影片从离我们最近的月球开始,一路引导我们探索太阳系到银河系以至人类所认知的宇宙的“边缘”。细致呈现太阳系八大行星的神奇地貌,奇幻的气象变化,3D制作效果极致真实,带领你逐步走出太阳系,饱览整个宇宙的神奇景象,科幻和天文爱好者绝对不能错过的好片!4,家园 Home (2009)简介:导演扬恩?亚瑟经过15年的筹备,历访50多个国家拍成此片。本片素材长达488小时,拍摄周期为21个月,共动用88,000名员工,从澳洲海底的大堡礁到非洲肯亚高原的乞力马扎罗山;从亚玛逊热带雨林到戈壁沙漠。从美国德萨斯州连绵不断的棉花田到中国上海、深圳的工业城镇。影片以上帝的俯瞰视角向世人展现地球的绝美以及日趋危急的现状。明天并不遥远,但我们该选择怎样的未来?5,迁徙的鸟 Le peuple migrateur (2001)简介:除了简单的说明,整部影片不再有言语。本片的主角是憨态可掬,形态各异的鸟。他们带我们飞过大海,飞过雪原,飞过高山;他们用振动的羽翼向我们诠释飞翔,诠释执着,诠释温情,诠释生命。 6,海洋 Océans (2009)简介:《海洋》耗时五年,耗资5000万欧元,动用12个摄制组、70艘船,在全球50个拍摄地,有超过100个物种被拍摄,超过500小时的海底世界及海洋相关素材,是史上投资最大的纪录片。海洋是什么?这部电影告诉你答案。这是一部以环保为主题,令人心旷神怡、叹为观止的生态学纪录片。本片聚焦于覆盖着地球表面的四分之三的“蓝色领土”。导演深入探索这个幽深而富饶的神秘世界、完整地呈现海洋的壮美辽阔。真实的动物世界的冒险远比动画片中的故事来的精彩,接下来银幕展开——巨大的水母群、露脊鲸、大白鲨、企鹅等。毫不吝啬在镜头前展示他们旺盛的生命力,让人叹为观止。7,就是这样 This Is It (2009)简介:2009年6月25日,这可以说是全球音乐界的巨大损失。迈克尔·杰克逊(迈克尔·杰克逊 Michael Jackson 饰),全球瞩目的流行音乐巨星在这一天就此陨落。原本,计划在2009年夏天举行的名为“This is it”告别演唱会,也无法如期与歌迷们见面。不过,在此之前迈克尔杰克逊为了此次的演唱会,进行了大量的彩排工作,并亲力亲为地为选曲、编排、舞蹈、灯光等多个环节把关。整个过程,都被详实地记录了下来。没有了现场的演唱会,导演肯尼奥特加就利用这些排练片段搭配上天王的传世名曲,为全球的乐迷们在大银幕上呈现出了一场完全不一样的演唱会。这不单单是一部纪录片,这是对这位天皇巨星献上的最后的缅怀……用平凡的片段,展现着巨星真实、超越常人的一面。 8,时间的风景 TimeScapes (2012)影片采用慢镜头与定时拍摄的摄影技术,向我们展示了美国西南部陆地、人文以及野外令人惊叹的瑰丽景色。为拍摄本影片,劳开着他的丰田敞篷小卡车奔走于美国西南部,历时两年。《时间的风景》的拍摄、剪辑和色彩分级均采用4K 分辨率(4096×2304像素),是世界上首部面向公众发售的4K电影。9,微观世界 Microcosmos: Le peuple de l'herbe (1996)简介:高楼大厦见识过了,导演用不凡的拍摄技巧引领我们进入了昆虫的世界。出乎意料,在这里,平时令人“恐怖”的虫子门展现出了另一种不一样的美。当你近距离仔细察看这个世界时,你会发现原来毛毛虫的毛原来这么光滑;相互依偎的蜗牛温馨得赚人眼泪;勤奋的屎壳郎每天都在认真对付着他们的粪球;蜘蛛会在水下用一个小气泡作为自己的餐厅;天牛就像公牛一样在互相较劲。每只虫子原来都不曾闲着浪费光阴。微观下的虫子世界,带给观众的除了视觉的震撼,还有自然界无法向人类诉说的道理。10,圆明园 (2006)简介:大型史诗性数字电影圆明园的真实,不仅是重现了圆明园恢弘壮丽的建筑,同时他还向人们讲述圆明园鲜为人知的重要地位及一个帝国,一个家族的兴衰荣辱,欢笑和泪水。圆明园不仅有着与故宫同样大小的占地面积,在清政治的鼎盛时期,其地位比故宫更为重要!在长达150年的存园历史中,6位皇帝曾在此梳理朝政,平定天下,安食就寝。皇室不为人知的亲缘相韧,后宫传奇,官宦相挣,同样构筑了圆明园的另一道风景。
《狂野印度》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:5uez《狂野印度 Wildest India》制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语集数: 5片长: 45分钟又名: 野性印度、印度野生大地INDIA is an exotic mixing pot of iconic wildlife, secret locations, epic landscapes and colourful beauty. This iconic and landmark series is a celebration of India’s most spectacular locations and incredible wildlife. From the "home of snow" in the epic Himalayan Mountains we travel to the mighty River Ganges, lifeblood of India as it carves out its dramatic path across the subcontinent. We also reveal Thar, the “Great Indian Desert”. Its territory includes much of Rajasthan (“the desert state”), where the bleakness of its environment is juxtaposed with the striking colours of traditional Rajasthani dress and amazing wildlife spectacles Also featured is India's lost world of the north east, home to head hunting tribes, tiger infested forests, mountains not yet climbed, rivers waiting to be fished. And finally to the Western Ghats. This biodiversity hotspot is home to epic waterfalls, hill tribes, hidden caves and stunning wildlife.. Part 1: Thar Desert Sacred Sands Covering 200,000 square kilometres, India’s Thar Desert is one of the harshest places on the planet. Baking heat, desiccating winds and near permanent drought has earned this unforgiving land another name – “the region of death.” As we explore India’s great desert we unveil its hidden secrets, and ultimately shed light as to how the Thar has become the most crowded desert in the world. Part 2: Ganges River of Life The Ganges is the longest river in India. It flows from the glaciers of the world’s highest mountains, the Himalayas, to the largest bay in the world, the Bay of Bengal. Human pollution threatens to overwhelm the river, but somehow wild animals survive. Hindus believe that Ganges water has the power to purify, and it seems there is some scientific evidence to support this conviction: microscopic organisms actually eat bacteria that could cause disease, and uniquely high level levels of oxygen break down organic waste faster than any in other river. This self-cleaning property of Ganges water helps support some of the last remaining true wilderness in the world – the Sundarbans swamp. Here, India’s largest population of wild tigers have never learned to fear man, making them very dangerous neighbours. Part 3: Himalayas Surviving the Summits Outside Asia, no peak reaches above 7000 metres, but along the Himalayan range, over 100 mountains exceed this height by at least 200 metres, making it the tallest mountain range on the planet.As Earth meets the sky along this hostile terrain, powerful winds, sub-zero temperatures, and a lack of oxygen oppose virtually all forms of life, but remarkably, this immense geological feature somehow supports one of the largest and most diverse collections of creatures on the planet – including man. While the Himalayas rugged highlands offer little direct refuge to humans, in the shadow below, over a billion people in India rely on the mountains for survival. Part 4: Western Ghats Monsoon Mountains Stretching for a thousand miles along India’s west coast, the Western Ghats are a spine of mountains that lay claim to being one of the most bio-diverse places in the world. Mountains rear their heads into the path of monsoon clouds, intercepting rains and making the western slopes some of the wettest places in India. Tropical rainforests thrives, and explode with life. The Western Ghats hold the key to life across southern India. Rainwater harvested by the mountains washes down to the coast, feeding Kerala’s backwaters; huge rivers flow east across India’s dry interior, a lifeline to animals and people. Part 5: Indias Lost World Imagine a lost world – head hunting tribes, tiger-infested forests, unclimbed mountains, pristine rivers. Known as the Seven Sisters of India, there are seven relatively unexplored and isolated Indian states. What mysteries lie within this secretive land and why have they remained untouched for so long? North-east India is an anthropological paradise; there is no other place on Earth with so many different ethnic groups. The forest slopes are filled with mysterious tribes whose lives are dictated by the ebb and flow of the rain and the seasonal fruits of the forest. In these largely unexplored and isolated areas people scarcely known to the Western world continue a way of life steeped in ancient rituals.
十大纪录片:1、地球Earth (2007)简介:一部由英国BBC和德国联合制作的关于地球、大自然的纪录片,用了将近3年的时间,通过对地球生命的神秘实录,通过表现大自然美丽景象与野生动物纯粹的生死之搏的真实纪录,再配合柏林爱乐乐团的美妙配乐,将地球的魅力在大银幕上毫无保留的完美呈现出来,旨在呼吁人们保护环境。2、海豚湾The Cove (2009)简介:理查德?贝瑞(Richard O’Barry)年轻时曾是一名海豚训练师,他所参与拍摄电影《海豚的故事》备受欢迎。但是,一头海豚的死让理查德的心灵受到强烈的震撼。从此,他致力于拯救海豚的活动。不顾当地政府和村民百般阻挠,他和他的摄影团队想方设法潜入太地的海豚屠杀场,只为将罪行公之于众,拯救人类可爱的朋友。本片荣获2010年第82届奥斯卡金像奖最佳纪录长片奖。3、旅行到宇宙边缘Journey to the Edge of the Universe (2008)简介:这是一部最新、目前为止电视上最好看的宇宙科普纪录片!影片从离我们最近的月球开始,一路引导我们探索太阳系到银河系以至人类所认知的宇宙的“边缘”。细致呈现太阳系八大行星的神奇地貌,奇幻的气象变化,3D制作效果极致真实,带领你逐步走出太阳系,饱览整个宇宙的神奇景象,科幻和天文爱好者绝对不能错过的好片!4、家园Home (2009)简介:导演扬恩?亚瑟经过15年的筹备,历访50多个国家拍成此片。本片素材长达488小时,拍摄周期为21个月,共动用88,000名员工,从澳洲海底的大堡礁到非洲肯亚高原的乞力马扎罗山;从亚玛逊热带雨林到戈壁沙漠;从美国德萨斯州连绵不断的棉花田到中国上海、深圳的工业城镇。影片以上帝的俯瞰视角向世人展现地球的绝美以及日趋危急的现状。明天并不遥远,但我们该选择怎样的未来?5、迁徙的鸟Le peuple migrateur (2001)简介:除了简单的说明,整部影片不再有言语。本片的主角是憨态可掬,形态各异的鸟。他们带我们飞过大海,飞过雪原,飞过高山;他们用振动的羽翼向我们诠释飞翔,诠释执着,诠释温情,诠释生命。6、海洋Océans (2009)简介:《海洋》耗时五年,耗资5000万欧元,动用12个摄制组、70艘船,在全球50个拍摄地,有超过100个物种被拍摄,超过500小时的海底世界及海洋相关素材,是史上投资最大的纪录片。海洋是什么?这部电影告诉你答案。这是一部以环保为主题,令人心旷神怡、叹为观止的生态学纪录片。本片聚焦于覆盖着地球表面的四分之三的“蓝色领土”。导演深入探索这个幽深而富饶的神秘世界、完整地呈现海洋的壮美辽阔。真实的动物世界的冒险远比动画片中的故事来的精彩,接下来银幕展开——巨大的水母群、露脊鲸、大白鲨、企鹅等。毫不吝啬在镜头前展示他们旺盛的生命力,让人叹为观止。7、就是这样This Is It (2009)简介:2009年6月25日,这可以说是全球音乐界的巨大损失。迈克尔·杰克逊(迈克尔·杰克逊Michael Jackson饰),全球瞩目的流行音乐巨星在这一天就此陨落。这不单单是一部纪录片,这是对这位天皇巨星献上的最后的缅怀……用平凡的片段,展现着巨星真实、超越常人的一面。8、时间的风景TimeScapes (2012)影片采用慢镜头与定时拍摄的摄影技术,向我们展示了美国西南部陆地、人文以及野外令人惊叹的瑰丽景色。为拍摄本影片,劳开着他的丰田敞篷小卡车奔走于美国西南部,历时两年。《时间的风景》的拍摄、剪辑和色彩分级均采用4K分辨率(4096×2304像素),是世界上首部面向公众发售的4K电影。9、微观世界Microcosmos: Le peuple de l'herbe (1996)简介:高楼大厦见识过了,导演用不凡的拍摄技巧引领我们进入了昆虫的世界。出乎意料,在这里,平时令人“恐怖”的虫子门展现出了另一种不一样的美。当你近距离仔细察看这个世界时,你会发现原来毛毛虫的毛原来这么光滑;相互依偎的蜗牛温馨得赚人眼泪;勤奋的屎壳郎每天都在认真对付着他们的粪球;蜘蛛会在水下用一个小气泡作为自己的餐厅;天牛就像公牛一样在互相较劲。每只虫子原来都不曾闲着浪费光阴。微观下的虫子世界,带给观众的除了视觉的震撼,还有自然界无法向人类诉说的道理。10、圆明园(2006)简介:大型史诗性数字电影圆明园的真实,不仅是重现了圆明园恢宏壮丽的建筑,同时他还向人们讲述圆明园鲜为人知的重要地位及一个帝国,一个家族的兴衰荣辱,欢笑和泪水。圆明园不仅有着与故宫同样大小的占地面积,在清政治的鼎盛时期,其地位比故宫更为重要!在长达150年的存园历史中,6位皇帝曾在此梳理朝政,平定天下,安食就寝。皇室不为人知的亲缘相韧,后宫传奇,官宦相挣,同样构筑了圆明园的另一道风景。
《狂野印度 》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源
《狂野印度 》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:ln25《狂野印度 Wildest India》制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语集数: 5片长: 45分钟又名: 野性印度、印度野生大地INDIA is an exotic mixing pot of iconic wildlife, secret locations, epic landscapes and colourful beauty. This iconic and landmark series is a celebration of India’s most spectacular locations and incredible wildlife. From the "home of snow" in the epic Himalayan Mountains we travel to the mighty River Ganges, lifeblood of India as it carves out its dramatic path across the subcontinent. We also reveal Thar, the “Great Indian Desert”. Its territory includes much of Rajasthan (“the desert state”), where the bleakness of its environment is juxtaposed with the striking colours of traditional Rajasthani dress and amazing wildlife spectacles Also featured is India's lost world of the north east, home to head hunting tribes, tiger infested forests, mountains not yet climbed, rivers waiting to be fished. And finally to the Western Ghats. This biodiversity hotspot is home to epic waterfalls, hill tribes, hidden caves and stunning wildlife.. Part 1: Thar Desert Sacred Sands Covering 200,000 square kilometres, India’s Thar Desert is one of the harshest places on the planet. Baking heat, desiccating winds and near permanent drought has earned this unforgiving land another name – “the region of death.” As we explore India’s great desert we unveil its hidden secrets, and ultimately shed light as to how the Thar has become the most crowded desert in the world. Part 2: Ganges River of Life The Ganges is the longest river in India. It flows from the glaciers of the world’s highest mountains, the Himalayas, to the largest bay in the world, the Bay of Bengal. Human pollution threatens to overwhelm the river, but somehow wild animals survive. Hindus believe that Ganges water has the power to purify, and it seems there is some scientific evidence to support this conviction: microscopic organisms actually eat bacteria that could cause disease, and uniquely high level levels of oxygen break down organic waste faster than any in other river. This self-cleaning property of Ganges water helps support some of the last remaining true wilderness in the world – the Sundarbans swamp. Here, India’s largest population of wild tigers have never learned to fear man, making them very dangerous neighbours. Part 3: Himalayas Surviving the Summits Outside Asia, no peak reaches above 7000 metres, but along the Himalayan range, over 100 mountains exceed this height by at least 200 metres, making it the tallest mountain range on the planet.As Earth meets the sky along this hostile terrain, powerful winds, sub-zero temperatures, and a lack of oxygen oppose virtually all forms of life, but remarkably, this immense geological feature somehow supports one of the largest and most diverse collections of creatures on the planet – including man. While the Himalayas rugged highlands offer little direct refuge to humans, in the shadow below, over a billion people in India rely on the mountains for survival. Part 4: Western Ghats Monsoon Mountains Stretching for a thousand miles along India’s west coast, the Western Ghats are a spine of mountains that lay claim to being one of the most bio-diverse places in the world. Mountains rear their heads into the path of monsoon clouds, intercepting rains and making the western slopes some of the wettest places in India. Tropical rainforests thrives, and explode with life. The Western Ghats hold the key to life across southern India. Rainwater harvested by the mountains washes down to the coast, feeding Kerala’s backwaters; huge rivers flow east across India’s dry interior, a lifeline to animals and people. Part 5: Indias Lost World Imagine a lost world – head hunting tribes, tiger-infested forests, unclimbed mountains, pristine rivers. Known as the Seven Sisters of India, there are seven relatively unexplored and isolated Indian states. What mysteries lie within this secretive land and why have they remained untouched for so long? North-east India is an anthropological paradise; there is no other place on Earth with so many different ethnic groups. The forest slopes are filled with mysterious tribes whose lives are dictated by the ebb and flow of the rain and the seasonal fruits of the forest. In these largely unexplored and isolated areas people scarcely known to the Western world continue a way of life steeped in ancient rituals.