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时间:2024-07-26 04:21:36 编辑:阿旭


  斯莱特林学院是《哈利波特》系列中霍格沃茨的的四大学院之一。创始人为四巨头(The great four)之一的萨拉查·斯莱特林(Salazar·Slytherin)。学院传统:学生名义上要有纯正的血统,有野心,精明,审时度势,明哲保身,胜利至上。    以下是斯莱特林行为守则全文:   斯莱特林行为守则一:保持优雅   斯莱特林行为守则二:拒绝任何形式的侮辱   斯莱特林行为守则三:不要轻易做出承诺   斯莱特林行为守则四:谋定而后动   斯莱特林行为守则五:做事力求完美   斯莱特林行为守则六:避免情绪表面化,学会微笑   斯莱特林行为守则七:适应环境,改变环境   斯莱特林行为守则八:为斯莱特林荣耀而荣耀,为斯莱特林骄傲而骄傲   斯莱特林行为守则九:审时度势,及时修正计划,拒绝混乱与偏差   斯莱特林行为守则十:荣誉重于一切   斯莱特林行为守则十一:蛇王,神圣不可侵犯   斯莱特林行为守则十二:狡猾是我们的特质,避重就轻是我们的手段   斯莱特林行为守则十三:把危险扼杀在萌芽   斯莱特林行为守则十四:戒骄戒躁,学会隐忍   斯莱特林行为守则十五:屈服或者着手于改变   斯莱特林行为守则十六:尽管事实残酷,但痛苦鞭策我们前进   斯莱特林行为守则十七:我们不践踏规则,我们利用规则   斯莱特林行为守则十八:尊严、力量、智谋与学识缺一不可   斯莱特林行为守则十九:万全准备,果断而行   斯莱特林行为守则二十:诡诈是智慧的体现,胜在出其不意   斯莱特林行为守则二十一:坚持自己的信仰,并且努力为之奋斗   斯莱特林行为守则二十二:学会踏着前人的脚步,利用身边一切资源   斯莱特林行为守则二十三:这是个警告,但有时候替罪羊是很有必要   斯莱特林行为守则二十四:不把自己置于危险之地   斯莱特林行为守则二十五:如果不能直击目标,那么试一试迂回手段   斯莱特林行为守则二十六:抓住灵感闪现   斯莱特林行为守则二十七:有勇气怀疑一切   斯莱特林行为守则二十八:学习担负责任,责任意味着不可推卸   斯莱特林行为守则二十九:重视沟通的技巧,远胜于容易被拆穿的谎言   斯莱特林行为守则三 十:言多必失   斯莱特林行为守则三十一:面对敌人,首先要削弱敌人   斯莱特林行为守则三十二:不在困难面前退缩   斯莱特林行为守则三十三:道歉无用,如果知道这是伤害——不要做   斯莱特林行为守则三十四:挖掘问题本质,锲而不舍将最终带来收获   斯莱特林行为守则三十五:利益与代价并非均等,注意选择方式   斯莱特林行为守则三十六:在事情变得不可挽回前,提前动手   斯莱特林行为守则三十七:身为巫师维护尊严   斯莱特林行为守则三十八:分歧不可避免,但要彼此尊重   斯莱特林行为守则三十九:尊重爱我们的人,守护我们爱的人   斯莱特林行为守则四十:不给任何人第二次背叛的机会   斯莱特林行为守则四十一:认识错误,承认错误,并积极修正   斯莱特林行为守则四十二:永不轻言放弃   斯莱特林行为守则四十三:为信仰而战,我们虽死犹荣   斯莱特林行为守则四十四:团结造就无坚不摧   斯莱特林行为守则四十五:面对不利局面,怨天尤人不如以积极态度扭转   斯莱特林行为守则四十六:学会把复杂问题简单化   斯莱特林行为守则四十七:骄傲易伤,坦诚交友   斯莱特林行为守则四十八:策略在行动中居首   斯莱特林行为守则四十九:力量并非成就决胜的关键,但不可缺少   斯莱特林行为守则五十:每一场决斗都是荣誉之战,慎重对待   斯莱特林行为守则五十一:越是张扬的时刻,越要牢记谦逊   斯莱特林行为守则五十二:为大事者不拘小节   斯莱特林行为守则五十三:对待爱,请慎重   斯莱特林行为守则五十四:为自己的行为负责,不接受‘如果……’   斯莱特林行为守则五十五:相信存在即为合理,即使尚不能理解   斯莱特林行为守则五十六:尊重女性,时刻牢记骑士风范   斯莱特林行为守则五十七:细节决定成败   斯莱特林行为守则五十八:说服,其实是一种抽茧剥丝的过程   斯莱特林行为守则五十九:任何事都有两面性,不要让情绪主宰你的决定   斯莱特林行为守则六 十:舆论代表大多数人的观点,但并不意味它是正确的   斯莱特林行为守则六十一:世上没有两个人的秘密,管好自己的嘴   斯莱特林行为守则六十二:过错,永远只能掩盖一时   斯莱特林行为守则六十三:幸运是个好东西,但努力才是我们最大的依靠   斯莱特林行为守则六十四:学会聆听前辈的建议   斯莱特林行为守则六十五:智慧也许属于少数人,但力量绝对来自多数人   斯莱特林行为守则六十六:识时务   斯莱特林行为守则六十七:仔细求证,相信自己的判断   斯莱特林行为守则六十八:可以审时度势,但永远不要对敌人卑躬屈膝   斯莱特林行为守则六十九:避免任何仓促决定   斯莱特林行为守则七 十:找一个值得自己用整个生命捍卫的人   斯莱特林行为守则七十一:既决定,既坚守   斯莱特林行为守则七十二:适当的压力可以成为我们前进的动力   斯莱特林行为守则七十三:学会用心,而非单纯用眼看事实   斯莱特林行为守则七十四:珍视自己的挚爱,守护自己的珍宝,永不放弃   斯莱特林行为守则七十五:学会站在对方的立场看问题,仔细应对   斯莱特林行为守则七十六:坚守自己既定的目标,不因外界的变化而盲目   斯莱特林行为守则七十七:没有永远的敌人,只有永远的利益   斯莱特林行为守则七十八:当断则断,不然反受其乱   斯莱特林行为守则七十九:越是紧张的时刻,越要冷静   斯莱特林行为守则八 十:永远不要让无法信任的人知道你真正的'实力有多少   斯莱特林行为守则八十一:一旦承诺了死也要遵守   斯莱特林行为守则八十二:如果无法从失败中吸取教训,那将很难进步   斯莱特林行为守则八十三:学会判断事情真伪,不要被表面所迷惑   斯莱特林行为守则八十四:小不忍,则乱大谋   斯莱特林行为守则八十五:命运无法选择,生命不能假设   斯莱特林行为守则八十六:强者不一定会胜利,而胜利的人才是强者   斯莱特林行为守则八十七:仔细聆听他人的建议,即使你并不认可   斯莱特林行为守则八十八:这世界上没有天生的废物,只有甘当废物的人   斯莱特林行为守则八十九:狮子搏兔亦需全力,不要小看任何人   斯莱特林行为守则九十:付出并不一定有结果。坚持可能会导致失去更多,注意选择   斯莱特林行为守则九十一:无论是谁,都有自己的限度。特别是信任   斯莱特林行为守则九十二:使人成熟的是经历,而不是岁月   斯莱特林行为守则九十三:记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的, 接受不能改变的   斯莱特林行为守则九十四:不要让自己的想法受到常识局限   斯莱特林行为守则九十五:不要让太多的昨天占据了今天   斯莱特林行为守则九十六:独立,自信,坚强、执着,缺一不可   斯莱特林行为守则九十七:能够决定你行动的人,只有你自己   斯莱特林行为守则九十八:有的时候,只有成功者和死亡者两种人,没有失败者   斯莱特林行为守则九十九:有时候眼见不一定为实,注意分析他人的解释   斯莱特林行为守则一 百:自己目前无法想通的事,就不要去想    英文版斯莱特林守则   Slytherin Rulers of Conduct   Slytherin conduct 1: keep elegant   Slytherin conduct 2: reject any form of insult   Slytherin conduct 3: do not easily make promises   Slytherin conduct 4: move slow   Slytherin conduct 5: perfectionist   Slytherin conduct 6: avoid emotional superficial, learn to smile.   Slytherin conduct 7: adapt to the environment, change environment.   Slytherin conduct 8: for glory, glory for salazar slytherin proud and arrogant.   Slytherin conduct 9: sizing, timely correction plan, refused to chaos and deviation   Slytherin conduct 10: honour above all   Slytherin conduct 11: snake king, is inviolable   Slytherin conduct 12: cunning is our idiosyncratic, the trivial is our means.   Slytherin conduct 13: the dangerous killed in the bud   Slytherin conduct 14: guard against arrogance and impetuosity, learn to trial   Slytherin conduct 15: to yield or embarking on change   Slytherin conduct 16: despite the fact cruel, but pain urges us to advance   Slytherin conduct 17: we don't trample rules, we use the rules.   Slytherin conduct 18: dignity, strength, wisdom and knowledge are necessary.   Slytherin conduct 19: perfedt preparation, decisive and do it   Slytherin conduct 20: deceit is wisdom to reflect, wins in surprise.   Slytherin conduct 21: sticking to my own beliefs, and try to fight for   Slytherin conduct 22: learn stepping predecessor's footsteps, using all resources around   Slytherin conduct 23: this is a warning, but sometimes scapegoat is very necessary.   Slytherin conduct 24: don't put themselves in dangerous places.   Slytherin conduct 25: if not direct target, so try a circuitous means   Slytherin conduct 26: seize inspiration flash   Slytherin conduct 27: have the courage to doubt everything   Slytherin conduct 28: learning responsibility and accountability means that inevitable   Slytherin conduct 29: attention to communication skills, far more than is easy to debunk lies   Slytherin conduct 30: the tongue cuts the throat   Slytherin conduct 31: facing the enemies, first to weaken the enemy   Slytherin conduct 32: not to bow before difficulties   Slytherin conduct 33: apologies useless, if know this is hurt - don't do   Slytherin conduct 34: mining, jordn essence will ultimately to bring in the harvest   Slytherin conduct 35: benefits and costs are not equal, pay attention to choose way   Slytherin conduct 36: before the things become irreversible, early to work   Slytherin conduct 37: being a wizard maintain dignity   Slytherin conduct 38: differences inevitable, but should respect each other   Slytherin conduct 39: respect for those who love me and keep those we love   Slytherin conduct 40: don't give anyone a second chance of betrayal   Slytherin conduct 41: know mistake, admit a mistake, and actively fixed   Slytherin conduct 42: never give up   Slytherin conduct 43: fight for faith, we have a glorious death   Slytherin conduct 44: unity create challengers   Slytherin conduct 45: face negative situation than to take a positive attitude, complain torsion   Slytherin conduct 46: learn to put complicated problem is simplified   Slytherin conduct 47: pride, frank and easy injury and make friends   Slytherin conduct 48: strategy preeminent in action   Slytherin conduct 49: the strength is not the key to success, but determines the indispensable   Slytherin conduct 50: each duel is honorary battle, taken seriously   Slytherin conduct 51: the more publicity moments, the more we should remember humility   Slytherin conduct 52: for great achiever informal section   Slytherin conduct 53: treat love, please be careful   Slytherin conduct 54: be responsible for own behavior, not to accept 'if... '   Slytherin conduct 55: believe existence namely for reasonable, even if they can't understand   Slytherin conduct 56: respect for women, always remember knight demeanor   Slytherin conduct 57: detail decides success or failure   Slytherin conduct 58: persuasion, is actually a process of cocoon silk smoke off Slytherin conduct 59: everything is bilateral, don't make a mood dominate your decision   Slytherin conduct 60: public opinion represent a majority person's point of view, but that does not mean it is correct   Slytherin conduct 61: there is no two personal secrets, mind your own mouth   Slytherin conduct 62: fault, forever can cover up temporarily   Slytherin conduct 63: lucky is a good thing, but the effort is our biggest depend on   Slytherin conduct 64: learn to listen predecessors suggestion   Slytherin conduct 65: wisdom may belong to a few, but strength from most people absolute S   lytherin conduct 66: van winkle   Slytherin conduct 67: bold hypothesis, careful verification, trust your own judgement   Slytherin conduct 68: can the situation but never bow to the enemy   Slytherin conduct 69: avoid any hasty decision   Slytherin conduct 70: find a worth his whole life defend people with   Slytherin conduct 71, both: it decided to stand fast   Slytherin conduct 72: the proper pressure can become our motivation   Slytherin conduct 73: learn attentively with thine eyes, rather than to simply facts   Slytherin conduct 74: code value their devotion, guardian personal treasure, never give up   Slytherin conduct 75: learn to stand in the other position to look at the question, carefully   Slythelin conduct 76: stick to their own ends, not because of the changes in the outside world and blind   Slytherin conduct 77: there are no eternal enemies, only forever of interests.   Slytherin conduct78: when broken is broken, or against it.   slytherin conduct 79: the more nervous, more calmly.   slytherin conduct 80: never let can't trust people know how much your real strength.   slytherin conduct 81: once promised to abide by.   slytherin conduct 82: if you can't learn from failure, that will be difficult to progress.   slytherin conduct 83: learn to judging things, don't be fooled by the surface.   slytherin conduct 84: small to great mischief.   slytherin conduct 85: can't choose destiny, life can't assume.   slytherin conduct 86: the strong may not win, and win the talent is the strong.   slytherin conduct 87: listen carefully to the advice of others, even if you don't recognize.   slytherin conduct 88: this world has no natural waste, only will spearhead waste.   slytherin conduct 89: the lion beat rabbit also need to don't look down on anyone.   slytherin conduct 90: pay does not necessarily have the result. Insist on May lead to lose more, pay attention to the choice.   slytherin conduct 91: no matter who, all have their own limits. Especially in the trust.   slytherin conduct 92: make the person mature experience, rather than years.   slytherin conduct 93: remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.   slytherin conduct 94: don't let your thoughts be common limitations.   slytherin conduct 95: don't let too much yesterday occupy today.   Slytherin conduct 96: independent, confident, strong, persistent, be short of one cannot.   slytherin conduct 97: to determine your actions, only you.   Slytherin conduct 98: sometimes, the only winners and those two kinds of people, there are no losers.   slytherin conduct 99: sometimes see not necessarily believe that pay attention to analyze others' interpretation.   slytherin conduct 100: could not think of himself, don't want to


Slytherin conduct 1: keep elegant

Slytherin conduct 2: reject any form of insult

Slytherin conduct 3: do not easily make promises

Slytherin conduct 4: move slow

Slytherin behavior standard five: perfectionist

Slytherin behavior standard 6: avoid emotional superficial, learn to smile.

Slytherin conduct 7: adapt to the environment, change environment.

Slytherin conduct 8: for glory, glory for salazar slytherin proud and arrogant.

Slytherin conduct 9: sizing, timely correction plan, refused to chaos and deviation

Slytherin conduct ten: honour above all

Slytherin conduct 11: snake king, is inviolable

Slytherin conduct 12: cunning is our idiosyncratic, the trivial is our means.

Slytherin conduct thirteen: the dangerous killed in the bud

Slytherin conduct fourteen: guard against arrogance and impetuosity, learn to trial

Slytherin conduct fifteen: to yield or embarking on change

Slytherin conduct 16: despite the fact cruel, but pain urges us to advance

Slytherin conduct 17: we don't trample rules, we use the rules.

Slytherin conduct 18: dignity, strength, wisdom and knowledge are necessary.

Slytherin conduct 19: perfedt preparation, decisive and do it

Slytherin conduct twenty: deceit is wisdom to reflect, wins in surprise.

Slytherin conduct the 21st: sticking to my own beliefs, and try to fight for

Slytherin conduct twenty-two: learn stepping predecessor's footsteps, using all resources around

Slytherin conduct twenty-three: this is a warning, but sometimes scapegoat is very necessary.

Slytherin conduct 24: don't put themselves in dangerous places.

Slytherin conduct 25: if not direct target, so try a circuitous means

Slytherin conduct twenty-six: seize inspiration flash

Slytherin conduct twenty-seven: have the courage to doubt everything

Slytherin conduct twenty-eight: learning responsibility and accountability means that inevitable

Slytherin conduct 29: attention to communication skills, far more than is easy to debunk lies

Slytherin conduct three 10: the tongue cuts the throat

Slytherin conduct thirty-one: facing the enemies, first to weaken the enemy

Slytherin conduct thirty-two: not to bow before difficulties

Slytherin conduct 33: apologies useless, if know this is hurt - don't do

Slytherin conduct thirty-four: mining, jordn essence will ultimately to bring in the harvest

Slytherin conduct 35: benefits and costs are not equal, pay attention to choose way

Slytherin conduct thirty-six: before the things become irreversible, early to work

Slytherin conduct 37: being a wizard maintain dignity

Slytherin conduct 38: differences inevitable, but should respect each other

Slytherin conduct thirty-nine: respect for those who love me and keep those we love

Slytherin conduct four ten: don't give anyone a second chance of betrayal

Slytherin conduct 41: know mistake, admit a mistake, and actively fixed

Slytherin conduct 42: never give up

Slytherin conduct 43: fight for faith, we have a glorious death

Slytherin conduct 44: unity create challengers

Slytherin conduct 45: face negative situation than to take a positive attitude, complain torsion

Slytherin conduct 46: learn to put complicated problem is simplified

Slytherin conduct 47: pride, frank and easy injury and make friends

Slytherin conduct 48: strategy preeminent in action

Slytherin conduct 49: the strength is not the key to success, but determines the indispensable

Slytherin conduct five ten: each duel is honorary battle, taken seriously

Slytherin conduct and 51: the more publicity moments, the more we should remember humility

Slytherin conduct fifty-two: for great achiever informal section

Slytherin conduct 53: treat love, please be careful

Slytherin conduct 54th: be responsible for own behavior, not to accept 'if... '

Slytherin conduct 55: believe existence namely for reasonable, even if they can't understand

Slytherin conduct 56: respect for women, always remember knight demeanor

Slytherin conduct 57: detail decides success or failure

Slytherin conduct 58: persuasion, is actually a process of cocoon silk smoke off

Slytherin conduct fifty-nine: everything is bilateral, don't make a mood dominate your decision

Slytherin conduct six 10: public opinion represent a majority person's point of view, but that does not mean it is correct

Slytherin conduct 61: there is no two personal secrets, mind your own mouth

Slytherin conduct 62: fault, forever can cover up temporarily

Slytherin conduct 63: lucky is a good thing, but the effort is our biggest depend on

Slytherin conduct sixty-four: learn to listen predecessors suggestion

Slytherin conduct 65: wisdom may belong to a few, but strength from most people absolute

Slytherin conduct sixty-six: van winkle

Slytherin conduct 67: bold hypothesis, careful verification, trust your own judgement

Slytherin conduct 68: can the situation but never bow to the enemy

Slytherin conduct 69: avoid any hasty decision

Slytherin conduct seven ten: find a worth his whole life defend people with

Slytherin conduct seventy-one, both: it decided to stand fast

Slytherin conduct 72: the proper pressure can become our motivation

Slytherin conduct seventy-three: learn attentively with thine eyes, rather than to simply facts

Slytherin for 74: code value their devotion, guardian personal treasure, never give up

Slytherin conduct 75: learn to stand in the other position to look at the question, carefully

Wright Lin conduct 76: stick to their own ends, not because of the changes in the outside world and blind

Slytherin conduct 77: to defeat the enemy, must first understand the enemy



The Slytherin Code

   一 :保持优雅
   二 :拒绝任何形式的侮辱
   三 :不要轻易做出承诺
   四 :谋定而后动
   五 :做事力求完美
   六 :避免情绪表面化,学会微笑。
   七 :适应环境,改变环境。
   八 :为斯莱特林荣耀而荣耀,为斯莱特林骄傲而骄傲。
   九 :审时度势,及时修正计划,拒绝混乱与偏差
   十 :荣誉重于一切
   二 十:诡诈是智慧的体现,胜在出其不意。
   三 十:言多必失
   四 十:不给任何人第二次背叛的机会


HP斯莱特林荣耀 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:1981年的10月底那几天,天气一直昏暗阴沉地非常糟糕,浓云压得很低,几乎要触到人们的头顶,大街上多了很多奇异的人,他们穿着奇怪的斗篷,有的人带着尖尖的帽子,猫头鹰在天空乱飞。英国境内各地,远至肯特郡、约克郡、丹地等地下了一场华丽的流星雨,同时郡县都有着悄悄的庆祝活动,虽然麻瓜们不知道,但全世界的巫师都在传递着一个喜讯,那个不能说出名字的人被打败了,那个强大的神秘的邪恶的黑魔王。打败邪恶巫师的是一个名叫哈利 波特的孩子,他的父母都是反对神秘人的战士。是的,巫师界除了一个人,没有人敢直接说那个名字,只有最强的巫师,霍格沃茨魔法学校的校长邓布利多才能称呼那个名字,伏地魔。其他人,统一用“神秘人”指代。因为神秘人被打败,巫师界开始了对神秘人的势力进行了残酷的清洗,许多的巫师,有罪的,无罪的,在这一年,这一个月,被送上巫师法庭,关进了阿兹卡班。战争从来都是残酷,沾满了鲜血。马尔福庄园,华美的客厅里……以上


HP斯莱特林荣耀 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:1992~1993:霍格沃茨二年 Chapter09.又是一年万圣节这一年的万圣节很快来到了。餐厅布置成了礼堂,上千只活的蝙蝠在天花板飞舞,巨大的南瓜灯吊在头顶,四周的墙壁挂起了冬青藤和槲寄生的彩带,画像里面的人也在相互道贺,说着,“节日快乐。”Lucius特地给德拉科放了一天假,让他参加学校的万圣节。沙比尼很积极,从早上起床,就开始想晚上要以什么形象出现,Pansy收到了家里寄来的衣服,这天下午上完课,就和同寝室的女孩子回去装扮了。教授们好心都没有留作业。在沙比尼的念叨下,德拉科只好购买了一些今晚装扮的道具,准备入乡随俗。六点半,德拉科出现在斯莱特林公共休息室,那里已经坐满了斯莱特林的学生,各种装扮的都有,像去年一样热闹。人们站在那面巨大的镜子面前,在同伴的建议下完美自己的形象。“Draco——”不知道谁喊了一声,众人的目光齐刷刷地落在下楼的德拉科身上。德拉科穿了一件黑风衣的礼服,银色的纽扣没有系,露出里面通体黑色的装扮,……别忘了采纳哟



  2、 相关书籍文学起源于人类的思维活动。最先出现的是口头文学,一般是与音乐联结为可以演唱的抒情诗歌。最早形成书面文学的有中国的《诗经》、印度的《罗摩衍那》和古希腊的《伊利昂纪》等。欧洲传统文学理论分类法将文学分为诗、散文、戏剧三大类。中国先秦时期将以文字写成的作品都统称为文学,魏晋以后才逐渐将文学作品单独列出。现代通常将文学分为诗歌、小说、散文、戏剧四大类别。
  3、文学, 是一种将语言文字用于表达社会生活和心理活动的学科。其属于社会意识形态之艺术的范畴。




斯莱特法则是用于计算有效核电荷的法则。Zeff=Z-σ(屏蔽常数)。用于计算有效核电荷的法则。Zeff=Z-σ(屏蔽常数)可近似的用斯莱特法则将原子中的电子分成以下几组(1s)(2s,2p)(3s,3p)(3d)(4s,4p)(4d)(4f)(5s,5p)(5d)(5f)(6s,6p)(6d)(6f)a) 位于被屏蔽电子的右边的各组对被屏蔽电子的σ=0近似的可以认为外层电子对内层电子没有屏蔽作用b) 1s轨道上的两个电子之间的σ=0.3,其他同组电子之间的σ=0.35。如(2s,2p)之间的电子。c) 被屏蔽的电子为ns或np时,则主量子数(n-1)的各电子对它们的σ=0.85,而小于(n-1)的各电子对它们的σ=1d) 被屏蔽的电子为nd或nf时,则位于它们左边各组电子对它们的的屏蔽常数σ=1在计算某原子中某个电子的σ值时,可将有关屏蔽电子对该电子的σ值相加而得例1 计算铝原子中其他电子对一个3p电子的值铝原子的电子结构式为1s22s22p63s23p1 =2×0.35+8×0.85+2×1=9.5


斯莱特Slater JC定则(Slater's rules)用于计算有效核电荷的数值。在多电子原子中,由于其它电子的屏蔽作用,每个电子都受到少于实际核电荷的正电荷吸引力。对于原子中的某一个电子,斯莱特定则可以确定它的屏蔽常数(常用σ表示),并计算实际所受的有效核电荷。这个半经验定则由约翰·C·斯莱特于1930年设计并发表。屏蔽常数σ的确定如下:1、主量子数大于n的电子忽略;2、每个具有相同主量子数n的电子记0.35,(对于n = 1只记0.3);3、主量子数为(n - 1)的电子:对于次量子数l = 0(s-轨道)和l = 1(p-轨道):每个0.85;对于次量子数l = 2(d-轨道)和l = 3(f-轨道):每个1.00;4、主量子数为(n-2)或更少的电子记为1.0。屏蔽氢的第一电离能为1310 kJ·mol –1 而锂的第一电离能为520 kJ·mol –1。锂的 IE 较低有两个原因:1、2 s 电子距原子核的平均距离大于 1 s电子;2、锂中的 2 s 1电子被内核电子排斥,因此价电子很容易被去除。出于#2 的原因,内核电子将价电子与原子核隔离开,因此最外面的电子只经历有效的核电荷。在锂的情况下,1s 电子密度的大部分位于原子核和2s 1电子之间。所以价电子“看到”电荷的总和或大约+1。实际上,价电子所经历的电荷大于 1,因为径向分布表明它们有一定的概率找到靠近原子核的 2 s电子。