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时间:2024-08-05 20:15:47 编辑:阿旭


散文;(作为课程作业,学生写的)文章,短文;(用来刊登的)论说文;小品文;企图;尝试;企图;试图;一、单词变形复数:essays第三人称单数:essays现在进行时:essaying过去式:essayed过去分词:essayed二、例句1.This essay is just not good enough.这篇散文实在是不够好。2.The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.这篇散文思想混乱,使人不知所云。3.The essay represents a solid week's work.这篇文章是用整整一星期写出来的。4.Your essay does not address the real issues.你的论文没有论证实质问题。5.Choose an essay topic that you can really get your teeth into.选择一个你可以真正悉心钻研的论文题目。6.There are too many mistakes in this essay.这篇文章错误太多。7.The essay was cobbled together from some old notes.这篇文章是用以前的一些笔记胡乱拼凑而成的。三、同义词辨析1.article名词:文章2.composition 名词:作文3.paper   名词:〈尤美〉(学生)研究报告


essay的意思:essay,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词,作名词时意为“散文;试图;随笔”,作动词时意为“尝试;对…做试验”。essay例句:1、The other day I came across an interesting essay on the war with Napoleon. 前几天我偶然地读到一篇关于同拿破仑作战的有趣文章。2、This essay is pointed up with the effective use of dialect. 这篇散文因为恰当地运用了方言而显得格外生动。3、The essay addresses structural practice teaching of Chromatics for non-art major students. 个性引导是色彩教学中不可忽视的问题,能对培养艺术人才产生极大的影响。4、The essay recommends a system of the timing by and scoring in ball games. 本文介绍了一种球类比赛计分计时系统.5、Essay Writing: an academic paper of 2,000 to 2,500 words. 论文写作:一篇2000-2500词的学术论文。6、The final essay is a take-home exam. 期末小论文是带回家的考试。7、Essay manuscripts should be typewritten and double-spaced. 文章手稿需要以两倍行高列印。8、The essay is too wordy, you'd better condense it. 这篇文章太过冗长,要简缩一下。9、In 1798 Thomas Malthus wrote "An Essay on the Principle of Population". 在1798年,托马斯·马尔萨斯写了一篇名为《人口原理》的书。10、Edgar Allan Poe wrote an essay on it, guessing how the tricks were done, but was largely incorrect. 爱伦坡撰文猜想机器人的机密,可是完全错了。