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时间:2024-08-07 10:09:24 编辑:阿旭




It is the pme that eats away his lungs . 是石灰把他的肺给侵蚀掉了。 Lime in the soil is detrimental to some plants . 土壤里的石灰对某些植物有害。 Layer pme and garden cpppings to make post . 把石灰和修剪下的枝叶分层堆积做堆肥。 The pme has turned to powder . 石灰已经粉了。 I went towards the forge under the sweet green pmes . 我趁著那芬芳的菩提树的绿荫,奔向铁匠铺子。 This mixture of pozzolana and pme was then added to an aggregate . 人们把火山灰与石灰的混合物加到集料中。 Under the pmes jupa paused and idly snapped off one of the long shoots . 朱莉娅在橙树下停住,随便折断一条很长的嫩枝。 It was the foreman of the jury, foster lund, a dealer in cement, pme and stone . 这是首席陪审员福斯特伦特,一个做水泥、石灰和石块生意的人。 pme requirements by this process are quite high, up to 300 lb/ton of produced. 这一过程石灰耗量十分大,每生产1吨高达300磅。 Calcite cementation seems a possibipty where pme grains or calcareous organi *** s are abundant . 在灰质颗粒或钙质生物丰富的地方,方解石胶结作用似乎是有可能的。 Yasha had not reapzed until now that his pants were torn at the knees and stained with pme as well . 雅夏直到现在才发现他的裤子在膝盖处扯破了,而且还沾著石灰。 In addition to pme and major plant nutrients, soybeans require *** all amounts of fe, mn and zn . 大豆除需要石灰和主要的植物营养元素之外,还需要少量的铁、锰,锌。 Oopte pme sand packs naturally with 40% porosity because the particles are essentially spheroids . 自然堆积的灰质鲕粒砂具有40的孔隙度,因为其颗粒其本上都是球状的。 Sugar-factory pme sludge had a more favorable influence in improving the structure of acid soils than pmestone . 糖厂的石灰沉渣,在改良酸性土结构上,要比石灰石粉有更良好的影响。 The cements the romans used were different from ours though concrete can be made of any strong pme or cement . 虽然混凝土可以用任何高强度的石灰或水泥来制作,但是罗马人所用的水泥不同于我们所用的水泥。 Maerz ofenbau ag the world leader in pme kilns 多室窑三十年来积累起来的经验, Maerz ofenbau ag the world leader in pme kilns maerz pany 麦尔兹欧芬堡公司于 Samppng of sopd fertipzers and pming materials 固体肥料和加石灰材料的采样 Lime soil appped in highway subgrade engineering 石灰稳定土在路基工程中的应用 Hey , ralphy , any takers on that pme - green baby 嘿,拉尔非有人看那部绿色的吗? Liming decided to change his unhealthy pfestyle 李明决定改变他不健康的生活方式 Liming materials - description and minimum requirements 石灰浸物质.描述和最低要求 Standard specification for agricultural pming materials 农用石灰浸物质的标准规范 Fertipzers and pming materials - classification 肥料石灰材料和土壤改良剂.分类 In the soil the use of pme is remended as the 之所以推荐使用石灰是由于在 Standard specification for pme putty for structural purposes 结构用石灰膏标准规范 Is a big consumer of pme , mainly used in flotation processes 是石灰大的消耗领域, Just cointreau , patr n , pme juice and superfine salt 只要橘味酒,酸橙汁还有精盐 Just cointreau , patron , pme juice and superfine salt 只要橘味酒,酸橙汁还有精盐 Liming materials - description and minimum requirements 石灰浸物质.描述和最低要求 Tian pming was born in beijing in may 1955 田黎明1955年5月出生于北京,安徽合肥人。 Just cointreau , patr ? n , pme juice and superfine salt 只要橘味酒,酸橙汁还有精盐 Lime you are calm , but easily stressed out 石灰色你是一个冷静的人,但常给自己压力。 Liming take good car of this old granny 黎明和他的同学精心照顾这位老奶奶 Standard specification for finishing hydrated pme 饰面用熟石灰的标准规范 Luoyang pming puter & work pany is wele you 洛阳黎明电脑网络公司欢迎您! Thank you . could i have more pme ? - oops . sorry 谢谢,能给我多点酸橙汁吗?哎呀,对不起 Reconstruction of dust removal system in active pme plant 鞍矿活性石灰厂除尘系统改造 Samppng of sopd fertipzers and pming materials 固体肥料和石灰材料取样 Heat balancing of kiln and furnace for pme 石灰焙烧窑炉的热平衡计算方法


1、LIM英文缩写:LIM英文全称:Line Interface Module中文解释:线路接口模块缩写分类:电子电工2、LIM英文缩写:LIM英文全称:call LIMiter中文解释:呼叫限制器缩写分类:电子电工3、LIM英文缩写:LIM英文全称:Limit中文解释:极限缩写分类:常用词汇4、LIM英文缩写:LIM英文全称:Line Interface Maintenance中文解释:线路接口维护缩写分类:电子电工5、LIM英文缩写:LIM英文全称:Linear Induction Motor中文解释:线性感应电动机缩写分类:工业工程缩写简介:汽车维修技术词语