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时间:2024-08-09 00:44:09 编辑:阿旭

damn it什么意思

damn it (俚)该死!他妈的 !可恶的!例句筛选Damn it! I forgot to turn off the gas.该死!我忘了关煤气。Damn it, I'm no idiot; you can't play fool with me.见鬼!我可不是白痴,你糊弄不了我。扩展资料:在不同的语境中可以有不同的翻译: 1、damn it ! don ' t you leave me down here by myself见鬼!你不会把我一人丢在下面吧2、the play was bad and the newspapers all damned it戏演得不好,报纸都加以指责。3、damn it ! i can ' t see nothing through this smoke该死!这么浓的烟我什么也看不见4、damn it ! i didn ' t sabotage your lousy airplane天啊!我没有动你那恶心的飞机!5、shit , you ' re breaking my heart in two , damn it该死,你是要把我的心分成两半!6、damn it , patti , why didn ' t you make him wait混蛋,帕蒂,你为什么不让他等等?7、Damn it all, this is turning out to be a full time job, huh?该死,这原来是一份全职工作啊?8、"Damn it all, " he murmured, turning toward the door. "I knew that would happen. "“真该死,”他嘀咕着,朝门口走去。“我知道这事会发生的。”


damnit(俚)该死!他妈的!可恶的!例句筛选Damnit!Iforgottoturnoffthegas.该死!我忘了关煤气。Damnit,I'm no idiot;youcan'tplayfoolwithme.见鬼!我可不是白痴,你糊弄不了我。扩展资料:在不同的语境中可以有不同的翻译: 1、damnit!don'tyouleavemedownherebymyself见鬼!你不会把我一人丢在下面吧2、theplaywasbadandthenewspapersalldamnedit戏演得不好,报纸都加以指责。3、damnit!ican'tseenothingthroughthis smoke该死!这么浓的烟我什么也看不见4、damnit!ididn'tsabotageyourlousyairplane天啊!我没有动你那恶心的飞机!5、shit,you'rebreakingmyheartintwo,damnit该死,你是要把我的心分成两半!6、damnit, patti ,whydidn'tyoumake him wait混蛋,帕蒂,你为什么不让他等等?7、Damnitall,thisisturningouttobeafulltimejob,huh?该死,这原来是一份全职工作啊?8、"Damnitall,"hemurmured,turningtowardthedoor."Iknewthatwouldhappen."“真该死,”他嘀咕着,朝门口走去。“我知道这事会发生的。”