宽[kuān]形wide; broad; generous; lenient动relax; relieve; extend名width; breadth双语例句1、页边不要留太宽浪费版面。Don't waste space by leaving a wide margin. 2、它大约2米宽。It's about 2 metres wide. 3、每个窗帘你需要两块这样宽的布料。You'll need two widths of fabric for each curtain. 4、“待人宽如待己。”这就是我的座右铭。‘ Live and let live. ’ That's my motto. 5、他身宽腿细。He has a large body, but thin legs.
宽大的英文〈形〉roomy;commodious;spacious〈动〉be lenient (with an offender)roomy造句:Mr. thomas marvel hated roomy shoes .汤姆斯马弗尔先生讨厌大鞋。The room was as roomy as a barn .那间屋子像一个仓房一样宽绰。Inside that warm, roomy house there was colour .那温暖、宽敞的房子里色彩缤纷。Considering the smallness of the car , it is relatively roomy inside .别看这辆汽车小,里面还比较宽敞。The gemini was about as roomy as the front seat of a small foreign car .双子星座的太空囊像一辆小型外国汽车前座那么宽阔。Before aunt betty was born the first city library was established in the roomy basement of the old house .蓓蒂姨还未出世之前,这幢老房子的宽敞地下室中就设立了第一座市立图书馆。