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时间:2024-08-16 08:49:23 编辑:阿旭


  对于写作而言,了解高分作文的写作思维逻辑以及用词,对于自己写作的改进也是很有帮助的,下面就和的我来看看2018年5月19日雅思写作真题范文。    2018年5月19日的雅思写作真题:   People can eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in other areas. As a result, people eat more food produced in other regions than local food. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?人们可以吃到很多其他地区的食物,这导致了人们购买更多进口水果而非本地食物。你认为这是利大于弊的事吗?    雅思写作真题范文   Our diet is becoming more diversified than before, with a wider range of food transported from other regions and served on the dining table. Many people prefer this kind of food to locally produced food and this phenomenon has both positive and negative outcomes.   More choices in the daily diet indicate that people nowadays enjoy better quality of life. For instance, people in China can buy some bread and biscuits that are imported from foreign countries. Those who live in cold areas can try some fruits that are grown in the tropical area. Also, this明 encourage the trade between different regions, as any country or region can focus on the production of the local food and exchange it with others. As a result, the productivity increases significantly and people can buy high quality food at low prices.   However, this trend also has some negative effects, both on individuals and on society. Food produced locally is believed to be fresher than that transported a long distance from other regions. To extend the shelf life, preservatives are commonly used in food processing, posing a risk to people's health, as these additives usually contain harmful substances. In addition, the food of a region reflects its customs and cultures. If people follow the trend to eat the imported food, some local special food may diminish, which would be a loss of local food culture.   Overall, in a globalized era, we can expect more food produced in other areas to appear on local people's dining table. This can improve our living standard, but meanwhile there are some problems that should not be ignored. (269 words)




  Task 1: Bar chart (动态柱图)2005,2010,2015年某国观看各种体育活动的人数变化。

  Task 2: Some people believe that university education should focus on the skills of employment for the future. Others think university education should focus on academic study only. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.


  Introduction: There are differing views on the focus of university education: on academic study or on employment skills.

  Body-1: 讨论大学教育应该教育学生学术性课程

  1. 大学的功能之一就是知识的传递和创新。教授学术性课程的过程就是知识传递给下一代的过程,在下一代接受了这些教育之后,也能为未来的创新打下坚实的基础。

  2. 学术性课程的学习也助于学生的发展。For example, students learn about how things work through the study of physics, and through the study of history, they learn about how societies and countries were formed and how past events shaped them.

  但是,我不同意大学教育应该only focus在学术学习上,因为培养学生的job skills也同样重要。(注意这里有一个转折,明确否定了only, 自然的引出另一个观点)

  Body-2: 为什么教授skills for employment也很重要

  1. 从社会角度来讲,大学需要为社会培养合格的工作者。比如大学需要为社会培养医生,教师,律师和工程师等等,以满足社会发展的需要,这就要求大学教育要有专业性和应用性,方能满足需求。

  2. 从学生角度来讲,大多数人上大学的目的之一就是在毕业后获得好的就业机会。所以教会学生更好的就业技能方能满足学生的需求。如果大学不能帮助学生提升就业能力并找到更好的工作,可能很多人都不会上大学,尤其是在一些学费昂贵的国家。 In conclusion, 学术性学习是大学教育的一部分,但我不同意是唯一的一部分,同时大学教育还应该兼顾培养学生的就业能力。


  Some peple beleve that uniersity education shoud focus on the skils of employment of the fure. others think they should focus on academic study only. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  In pesent-day soiet, a greater propotion of students are pursing higher eduction and otainin master's degrees and PhDs. Netheles there 1s gret debate over whether universty students ought to concentrate on larning employment or academic sis,s which wil be frter dscuse. It has been argued that the main ojecive of a uivrst education is to obrain a satsjing and wlpaid ocupation that matches the sillet of the aplicant From this point of view, clleges ought to eucate students based on the needs and requrements of companies in the feles that match the majors of hermore, nivrsities also need to have the ailll to predict ptental future trends in the market and atempt to create a cricium that would enable students to have prosperous long- term crees In this way, unverstites play a huge role in ensuing that students are able to meet the crrent and future needs of enterprises.

  On he cntry, academic siis are also esesta in improving students alis and filtatt the cucial sil of being able to learn and pick up new adtion academic abilis enble iduals to achieve success in school which is one of the major ndicators of having a poperous cree. Futhermore,honing academic silss alows students to build confidence in the dassomm which enables them to have greater seft eseem when they enter the workplace.

  As a resut, students who are well-equipped with advanced academic sills have abetter foundation and are more wll-prepared in their in al employment and academic sils are both crtial to acomomplishing success in school and the workplace. A fair balance betwen the two would ensure that unvrsiteis produce more wlroundd graduates who could tackle any callnges they face in the future.





  多用who(指人)、which(指物)、that(即可指人也可以指物),还有一个经典的容易被忽视的定语从句在大作文中可以表达事件发生的原因:即由why引导的固定句型 reason(s)why...

  E.g:There may be some reasons why entertainment stars earn high salaries but overall Iagree that they are overpaid.


  文章中提出观点的好句型,无论是你自己的观点还是文章中原来给出的观点都可以。建议多用that引导的,不容易出错,如:some people think/agree/suggest/insist that...

  E.g:A growing number of parents believe that being overly dependent on social networkingwebsites only makes their children more isolated in the real world.



  A.时间状语从句(引导词:when/as/while/since/the moment...)

  E.g:The related sectors should take effective measures the moment the problem appeared.


  E.g:Generally,air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.

  C.原因状语从句(引导词:because/since/as/seeing that...)

  E.g:As this policy would also affect the cost of public transport,it would be very unpopularwith everyone who needs to travel on the roads.

  D.条件状语从句(引导词:if/as long as/providing that/provided that...)

  E.g:The government will increase its support for public education,provided that such funds canbe put to good use.

  E.让步状语从句(就是转折关系,引导词:though/although/while/no matterwho/where/which/how...)

  E.g:*While(表示二者对比)some people link happiness to wealth and material success,othersthink it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships.*Even though it is unlikely that all workers do feel happy in their work,I think it is notunrealistic to promote more job satisfaction in any job.








  1. 明确的指出自己写信的目的
  2. 清晰、准确的陈述事实
  3. 使用坚定但礼貌的语言(这一点与概述中提及的内容一致)

  下面有三封短信,看看它们都带着什么样的目的(雅思考试中最常见类型),NB (提示): 这些书信仅用于了解上述3要素的重要性,但表达地道、文字精准,值得学习;但是正式考试中,除了需要书信的内容,还要提供称谓和落款等内容。
  书信一、写信目的:道歉信 (承认错误、表示歉意、请求原谅、寻求解决方案)
  I’m so sorry I missed our appointment for this morning; I got held up in a faculty meeting and could not break away.
  Please call me to reschedule. I am available any weekday except Friday from 2 to 4 P.M., and because I missed our meeting I also am willing to drop by the office any time Saturday if that works better for you.
  My apologies.

G类雅思小作文建议信怎么写? ?



  10月30日的雅思写作考试,有了新的知识点,快来一起看看吧。下面是我为大家整理的雅思2021年10月30日写作考试真题及范文,欢迎阅读。    2021年10月30日雅思阅读考试真题   真题分析   Nowadays, some parents put a lot of pressure on their children to succeed. What are the reasons? Is this a positive or negative development for children?   该题问到的话题非常典型 - 父母对孩子的教育 - 这个话题属于母话题范畴,非常非常高频,所以黄老师推荐大家一定牢记范文好词好句。   首先,我们还是在看范文之前分析一下该题型,对于这道题有几点需要注意:   1.该题属于双问题型话题,对于该类话题同学们两个问题都必须用至少一段中间段来回答,切忌不要只在开头结尾回答某个问题!   2.第一个问题的reasons有复数,所以同学们务必记住要写至少2个原因(原理可以参加黄老师上期视频 - 剑桥考官解析雅思大作文分段),而第二个问题没有复数,可以只写一个好处/坏处。   3.范文中用到了一个俚语‘helicopter parent’,该词组表示对于孩子过度保护的父母,也就是巨婴的父母。对于这类俚语同学们必须确保是在英文中广泛使用的,并且不属于专业术语。否则慎用。   p.s. 需要去年+今年《雅思大作文真题范文&词汇合辑》的同学们记得找黄老师免费领取哦!   那么,接下来我们来看范文吧!(所有范文均有黄老师从英文期刊中摘抄好词好句写出,绝非中式英文)   满分词汇/高分段落   Nowadays, some parents put a lot of pressure on their children to succeed. What are the reasons? Is this a positive or negative development for children?   满分词汇:   pour all of their energy into v. 倾注所有能量   great start in life n. 赢在人生的起跑线上   live through v. 介入…的生活   pay off v. 回报   envision v. 预期   unique insight n. 独特的见解   helicopter parent n. ‘巨婴型’父母   better grades n. 更好的成绩   extracurricular activities’ awards n. 课外奖项   resourcefulness n. 八面玲珑   开头段:   There is no manual for parenting. Every parent does their best to work it out as each day passes. They pour all of their energy into providing a better life for their child and want to know that their best is enough to get their child off to a great start in life.   原因段:   It is undeniable that parents live through their children and also make a sheer amount of sacrifice for their children, which means they want them to pay off. For many parents, the most desirable compensation is not momentary; instead, it is their kids ‘achievement. In addition, parents often envision their children to have a better life than they did, so they set big goals for them.   好处段:   Parents know what is best for their child because they have a unique insight into the needs, tendencies, and desires of the child based on their instincts and experiences with them. This dynamic creates a distinct perspective that is impossible to be replicated by anyone else and puts the parents in the best position to guide the child into becoming a well-achieved adult.   坏处段:   Dominance over kids ‘future sometimes poses overwhelming pressure on them and lead to helicopter parent culture. although it delivers immediate results such as better grades and extracurricular activities’ awards, it may hinder the qualities most needed for entrepreneurship and more generally, for success in adulthood - adaptability, resourcefulness and creativity.    雅思写作考试评分标准   一、大作文评分标准   考官将从以下方面对作文进行评分:   • 对写作任务的反应:考生能否完整地、以恰当的方式完成题目中提出的写作任务;考生的论点是否切中题目的要求、论证过程是否完整、论点是否得到了论据的支持;考生的观点是否清晰和有效;   • 连贯性和结构层次:考生能否将信息和要点进行组织(如运用分段的能力)、信息和要点之间的联系是否清晰;   • 词汇来源:考生使用的词汇是否广泛、准确、且适合这一部分写作的要求;   • 语法的多样性和准确性:考生使用的语法结构是否多样、准确、且适合这一部分写作的要求。   二、小作文评分标准   1. Task Achievement (写作任务完成情况)   这一项评分标准中考生主要满足两个要求:①作文整体结构清晰,容易看出写作思路 ② 能够清晰阐述主要趋势、概括比较核心信息。在这一项评分标准中考生尤为要注意的是,切不可直白陈述图中已有的信息,这样很容易写成流水账。需要去努力做到的是:变着法的去比较归纳!   2. Coherence and Cohesion (连贯与衔接)   在这一项评分标准中,考生需要做到合理运用衔接手段,贯穿全文。一定要注意的是在下笔写作文前就可以把作文的思路和段落关系定下来,确定好衔接词。这么做的好处是,很容易让阅卷人在看到每段的开头就能明白你的作文思路,没有阅读障碍。   3. Lexical Resources (词汇丰富程度)   在这一项评分标准中,考生需要灵活使用丰富的词汇,但是需要注意的是,不仅仅是词汇要丰富,更加要做到一义多表达,即表达同一个意思可以整篇文章不重复相同的结构。   4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy (语法多样性及准确性)   在多样性这一块,考生需要注意的是不要整篇作文都是简单的主谓宾或主系表结构的句子,要写一些定语从句、名词性从句、非谓语等句式,体现多样性。   其次在准确性这一方面,要注意标点、单复数、时态、词性等语法错误,这些小错误堆积起来会拉低整体分数。 考生最容易忽视的是标点错误,但其实标点错误一旦出现,句子的结构会受到很大影响,甚至是断句有误,其造成的失分会比词性、单复数要多得多。


   Task 1   A类小作文   线形图   作文题目:Land for organic crops    Task 2   some people believe that many people who work for creative arts such as painting. theatre and music should be supported financially by government, others think that artists in creative arts should be supported by other sources instead. discuss both views and give your own opinion.   题型类别:双边讨论类   题材类别:政府类    大作文范文   The realization of basic human needs such as enough clothing and food makes it necessary for a more advanced spiritual enjoyment from art. For those who devote themselves to creating aesthetic works and pleasure, I think they should be supported by both government and other resources.   The government, as the central power that can accumulate a wealth of resources and execute them more systematically, should take the main responsibility to fund the artists. Most of the museums and art galleries are run and managed by governments and artists can be financially supported if the government makes it more accessible for artists to have their works of art exhibited. The authority can also issue some policies or regulations favoring the creation of innovative works of art, such as the reduction of tax levied on the artists and more subsidies for the encouragement of their contribution.   It is also true that the financial support from governments alone can hardly guarantee a decent pay or income for the artists. Funding from governments sometimes has to be allocated to the areas that are more concerned with the welfare of most of the citizens, such as health insurance and government loans for the students from disadvantaged families. In this case, the financial support from other sectors such as big companies or some non-governmental organisations can fit in. Some companies can carry out a series of exhibitions to raise more funds for artists and it is advisable for them to help publicise the works of artists on some media.   To sum up, if joint efforts from both governments and other resources are made to fund those who are engaged in the field of arts, chances are that the artists will be better-off and create more valuable masterpieces that can elevate people's spiritual world.    (Word count: 297)    猜你可能喜欢: