问题一:价格合理英文怎么说 价格合理:
1.reasonable price;(I think it's a reasonable price)
2.reasonably priced;
3.at a very good price;
4.xceptional Products at Reasonable Prices
5.at a fair price
五种说法 希望对你有帮助 望采纳 谢谢
Because the price is reasonable and it's easy to carry. 因为价钱合理,又容易携带。
问题二:价格合理用英语怎么说!!! at a good price
问题三:价格合理用英语怎么说? good price
问题四:非常合理的价格用英语怎么说? 非常合理的价格 A very reasonable price以……(价格)买下 To ... ... (price) to buy各种颜色的袜子 A variety of colors of socks亲自 Personally
问题五:如果价格合适 英文怎么说 if he price is good/ok/reasonable/suitable
问题六:‘以合理的价格’英语怎么说? -以合理的价格: at the best price;at a reasonable cost;at a very good price;at a reasonable price at the best price
问题七:以合理的价格用英语怎么说? in a reasonable price我不是答过一回了吗~~
问题八:合理的价格的英文意思 suitable price合适的价格、reasonable price 合理的价格
问题九:价格合理用英语怎么说!!! at a good price
问题十:翻译要价,要价用英语怎么说最合适 要价
[词典] charge; offer; ask a price;
They normally charge three hundred pounds but we got it for half price.
成本是商品经济的价值范畴,是商品价值的组成部分。人们要进行生产经营活动或达到一定的目的,就必须耗费一定的资源,其所费资源的货币表现及其物件化称之为成本。 并且随着商品经济的不断发展,成本概念的内涵和外延都处于不断地变化发展之中。那么,你知道成本的英文是什么吗? 成本的英文释义: manufacturing, production, etc. costs cost acquisition cost of inventory self cost selfcost net cost 成本的英文例句: 价格的上涨与生产成本的增加成比例。 The price increases are proportionate to the increases in the costs of production. 若生产成本增加,则价格也要相应提高。 If production costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in prices/prices will increase pro rata. 生产成本的增加必定使价格上涨。 Any increase in production costs is bound to send up prices. 因此,成本将会降低90%之多。 As a result, costs will be reduced by as much as 90%25. 你把成本核算出来了吗? Did you figure up the costs? 我们谈如何降低成本,但说起来容易,做起来就难了。 We talk about reducing our costs, but it's easier said than done. 教育成本主要是教育直接成本和教育间接成本。 The education cost means both the direct and the indirect cost. 农民工的工作搜寻成本由实际成本和机会成本组成。 Job searching cost is posed by the actual cost and opportunity cost. 你能把全部成本算出来吗? Can you figure the total cost out? 成本的增加影响了建筑物的进一步扩建。 Increased costs will militate against further enlargement of the buildings. 我们必须权衡一下起用新系统所需的成本和它将带来的效益。 We have to weigh the cost of the new system against the benefits it will bring. 很难估计出我们工厂生产这件东西的成本。 It's not easy to predetermine the cost of producing this article in our factory. 你没能压低生产成本。 You couldn't hold the cost of production down. 但是,如果不用成本和效率,又用什么呢? But if not costs or efficiency, then what? 你不得不减少成本。 You have to cut cost. 我的答复是,没错,我相信在当前的形势下, *** 可以产生大的效益——但是这种效益必须与付出的成本加以比较与权衡。 The answer is that yes, I believe that stimulus can have major benefits in our current situation — but these benefits have to be weighed against the costs. 他说:“你可以是成本领先者或是技术领先者。 You can be either the cost leader or the technology leader. 在任何情况下,他都把那个点宣告为“风险,而不是成本。 In any case he declares that point as a "risk. Not a cost. 只有面对的挑战才能证明这些成本的必要性。 These costs can be justified only by the nature of the challenge. 不过,复制收集器因为要将资料从一个空间复制到另一个空间、调整所有引用以指向新备份而增加了成本。 However, copying collectors have the added cost of copying the data from onespace to another, adjusting all references to point to the new copy. 然而,在这次的情形中,成本可能极为庞大。 In this case, however, the costs could be enormous. 我们当然也对成本有所削减,但我们对所做的一切非常有信心。我们感觉所做的一切都是有价值的,这种想法帮助我们渡过了难关。 We cut back in terms of costs of course but we had faith in what we were doingand the feeling that we were doing something of value saw us through. 问题不是您是否应该变更,而是如何权衡潜在的利益与迁移成本的问题。 The question is not if you should change, but rather how to weigh the potentialbenefits against the cost of migration. 达到这个商业利益所预期的成本是多少? What is the expected cost to deliver the business benefit? 但是,有时人们强烈感觉不仅应该坚持他们的决定,而且考虑到业已损失的成本,应该对该决定追加投入。 However, sometimes individuals feel pelled not only to stick with theirdecision, but also to further invest in that decision because they have sunk costs. 但是什么是高质量的成本呢? But what is the cost of high quality? 每次使用这个交通系统,考虑到它的成本和复杂程度,我都惊讶于它是怎么建造起来的。 Every time I ride on this system, I am amazed at how it got built given the cost andplexity involved. 每次使用这个交通系统,考虑到它的成本和复杂程度,我都惊讶于它是怎么建造起来的。 Every time I ride on this system, I am amazed at how it got built given the cost andplexity involved.
1.reasonable price;(I think it's a reasonable price)
2.reasonably priced;
3.at a very good price;
4.Exceptional Products at Reasonable Prices
5.at a fair price
五种说法 希望对你有帮助 望采纳 谢谢
Because the price is reasonable and it's easy to carry. 因为价钱合理,又容易携带。