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时间:2024-09-10 10:12:22 编辑:阿旭


  学习英语可以是一个枯燥的过程,也可以是一个有趣的过程。我在此献上经典英语美文,希望对大家喜欢。    美文欣赏:我决定从此过上幸福的生活   It was many years ago. I was a young dad sitting on the couch reading a fairy tale to my little girl. She sat next to me with her head on my arm as I told the tale. When it came to the end I finished with those famous words: "And they lived happily ever after." As I looked over to her with her wavy, brown hair and big, innocent eyes I could see the smile on her face and I never wanted it to end. It dawned on me then that the ending of the book was what I wanted for her. I wanted her to "live happily ever after."   很多年前我还是个年轻的爸爸,坐在沙发上给小女儿讲童话故事。她坐在我身边,头枕在我胳膊上听我讲故事。故事的最后我用那句经典的话作结束语:“从此他们过上了幸福的生活。”我看着她,她有着卷曲的棕色头发和大大的、天真的眼睛,我能从她的脸上看到微笑,我希望能永远这样看着她。那时我明白了故事的结尾也是我对她的期望,我希望她“从此过上幸福的生活。”   Still, deep in my heart I knew that this couldn't always be so. I knew that there would be times when her heart was broken. I knew there would be times when she cried in grief and I couldn't comfort her. I knew there would be times when all she felt was fear, sadness, sorrow, and despair. As I stroked her hair and smiled at her I hoped that those times would be brief and that she would have joy in her life more often than not. Living happily ever after, though, seemed out of the question.   然而内心深处我知道现实并非总能如我所愿。我知道有时她会伤心;我知道有时她会伤心地哭泣,而我却不能给她安慰;我知道有时她只会感到恐惧、伤心、懊悔和绝望。我抚摸着她的头发,对她微笑,我希望那些时刻都能很快过去,希望她的生活中更多的是快乐,然而,从此过上幸福生活似乎是不可能的。   It took me a lot of years to realize that it IS possible to live happily ever after. You just have to do it "one day at a time." Happiness you see isn't some reward that you get at the end of your journey. Happiness isn't something dependent on what life hands you. Happiness is something you create in your life choice by choice and day by day.   很多年以后我才意识到从此过上幸福生活是可以实现的。你只需要“认真过好每一天”。你看到的幸福并非你人生旅程最终的奖励,幸福不是取决于生活赐予你什么,而是你日复一日通过一个个选择在生活中创造出来的。   The truth is happiness comes when you love. Love is a gift from God. It is love that mends broken hearts. It is love that heals grief. It is love that gives us joy. Choose to "live happily ever after, one day at a time."   事实是幸福就是付出爱时的体验,爱是上帝恩赐的礼物。只有爱才能修复受伤的心灵;只有爱才能抚平伤痛;只有爱才能给我们带来快乐。选择“从此过上幸福的生活,过好每一天。”    美文欣赏:想逃离现在的生活追寻自由   Have you ever gone on vacation and said to yourself, “I could live here?” On a trip to Jamaica, Kalisa Martin entertained that idea —and actually went through with it.   你是否曾经旅行过并告诉你自己:“我能住在这里”?在去牙买加的一次旅途中,卡丽萨·马汀思考了这个想法——也事实上将它完成了。   It was during a lingering and nasty New York City winter in March 2014. Martin and her boyfriend Jeff Belizaire decided to escape the snow by taking a last-minute getaway to Jamaica.   那是在2014年三月纽约市一个漫长而恶劣的冬季期间。马汀和她的男朋友杰夫·贝利泽尔突发奇想决定马上跑去牙买加躲避雪天。   At the time, Martin had a dream job in the New York culinary world: brand director at Tasting Table, a digital destination for culinary enthusiasts. She also appeared on national television shows like Good Morning America.   在那时,马汀在纽约的烹饪界有着一份理想的工作:Tasting Table的品牌主理人,这是一家美食热爱者的线上聚集地。她同时也在国家电视节目如《早安美国》中出现过。   But there was something about that trip that spoke to Martin — profoundly.   但是,有关那趟旅程的什么东西深深地印在了马汀的内心。   “That long weekend, the idea of the B&B concept came up and we thought, ‘Why not?’It could happen, and it could happen right here in Jamaica,”said 30-year-old Martin. “That was the first time we seriously considered the idea.”   “在那个漫长的周末里,“床加早餐”理念(一种旅店形式)的想法蹦了出来,我们想着‘为什么不呢?’那是有可能发生的,而且有可能就发生在这儿,在牙买加,”30岁的马汀说道。“那是我们第一次认真考虑这个想法。”   Within four months Martin had quit her job and was on her way to Jamaica with Belizaire to create The Runaway, a bed-and-breakfast that has grown into a lifestyle travel brand.   在四个月里,马汀辞了职,并和贝利泽尔踏上了去牙买加创造The Runaway的道路,一个有着“床加早餐”理念的想法开始成为一个生活方式旅游品牌。   “We ran away from the cold and the typical 9-5 to follow our dreams and create this new life,”says Martin.   “我们从寒冷与典型的朝九晚五中逃离出来追寻我们的梦,并创造了这个全新的生活,”马汀说。   And this isn’t your average bed-and-breakfast. The Runaway Jamaica is the first successfully funded B&B on Kickstarter. Backers donated almost $47,000 to help bring the property to life.   这也并非只是典型的“床加早餐”。The Runaway Jamaica是第一家成功在Kickstarter上得到资助的“床加早餐”理念的品牌。支持者们捐献了将近47000美元来帮助它成为现实。    美文欣赏:这就是信仰的力量   As we slowly drove down the street on that cold December evening we spotted the porch light. "This must be the house." I told our "Positive Teens In Action" group. We pulled up in front of an older home with the porch light glowing. We gathered up our song books, walked up the steps, and knocked on the door. We heard a faint voice from inside say, “Come on in. The door is open." We opened the door.   在那个寒冷的12月份的夜晚我们开车在路上慢慢行驶时看到了门廊的灯光,我跟我们这个“积极行动的青年小队”说:“一定就是这家了。”我们把车停在一栋旧房子前,门廊灯光很亮。我们拿出歌集,走上台阶敲了敲门,听到里面传来一个虚弱的声音:“进来吧,门开着呢”,我们推开了门。   There in a rocking chair sat an elderly woman with a big smile on her face. "I've been expecting you." she said weakly. Ruth was one of our Meals On Wheels stops I had arranged; along with the usual church members who enjoyed carolers. We handed Ruth the basket of goodies the teens had assembled earlier that evening. Then I asked Ruth what carols she would like to hear. Ruth's face was beaming as she joined in singing each song.   摇椅上坐着一位老太太,脸上带着灿烂的笑容,她虚弱地说:“我一直盼着你们来。”Ruth的家是我安排的上门送餐服务的一站,和我们一起来的还有喜欢唱圣歌的常去教堂的人。我们递给Ruth一篮子美味的食物,都是我们这些年轻人那天晚上提前装好的。然后我问Ruth她想听什么圣诞颂歌,她跟着唱每首歌时脸上都洋溢着笑容。   As we hugged Ruth good-bye she said to me with tears glistening in her eyes, “The day you called I was still in bed. I had just finished praying. I asked God if it would be possible to have some Christmas Carolers come to my home and sing this year. Thank you for being the answer to my Christmas prayer."   我们跟Ruth拥抱说再见时,她眼睛里闪着泪光对我说:“你打电话那天我还躺在床上,刚刚做完祷告,我问上帝今年能否让唱圣诞颂歌的人来我家唱颂歌。感谢你使我梦想成真。”   Wow, what an awesome experience to have the opportunity to be the answer to someone's Christmas prayer.   哇哦,能使别人的祷告得以实现是多棒的一次经历呀。   Bible Text: When you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you. Matthew 6:6   《圣经》原文:祈祷时要去房间里,关上门向无形的上帝祈祷,上帝看见你在秘密祈祷,就会回报给你。马太福音6:6


【 #英语资源# 导语】我们很多同学在学习英语的时候会找很多的英语文章来看,那就来看看英语美文吧,今天就由 给大家分享一下英语美文欣赏,大家来学习看看吧! 【篇一】关于英语优美的经典文章   As for me, I have a special emotion to autumn. Autumn always gives me a kind of feeling which can make me forget sorrow. Every time when autumn comes, I am always glad to feel the beautiful season. I can enjoy myself in this great season.   对我来说,我对秋天有一种特殊的情感。秋天总是会给我一种让我忘却悲伤的感觉。每一次,当秋天来临的时候,我总是很高兴去感受这个美丽的季节。我在这个美好的季节里可以尽情享受自我。   I like the wind of autumn. It is cool and comfortable. When the wind kisses my face, I will close my eyes and smile. I know that wind brings me the breath of autumn. She lets me understand that autumn is full of happiness. I can smell and taste autumn everywhere. The view of the autumn will give me a huge enjoyment. As for me, the wind in autumn is the best present. I am deeply attracted by the autumn wind. This taste of autumn is delicious.   我喜欢秋天的风。秋风是很凉爽的,很舒服的。当秋风亲吻我的面颊的时候,我会闭上我的眼睛并且微笑。我知道秋风给我带来了秋天的气息。她让我明白秋天充满了快乐与幸福。我可以在每一个角落嗅到并且尝到秋天。秋景给了我巨大的享受。对于我来说,秋风是的礼物。我深深地被秋风吸引着。这个秋天的味道是美味的。   I also love autumn colors. The leaves will turn yellow in autumn. This kind of yellow represents hope and maturity. When I see these yellow leaves, I will think that they still enter into the soil and will give the tree adequate nutrition. Thus, they never leave the tree. I am moved by this sentiment. This phenomenon gives me many thoughts about human society. I believe that our society will have a better development if we realize that we should have a grateful heart. Autumn colors are so magical for me. They let me have bigger imagination space to think over life. I know this taste of autumn is sweet.   我也爱秋天的颜色。在秋天,叶子会变黄。这种黄色代表着希望与成熟。当我看见黄叶时,我就会想他们还是会回到泥土里的,给予树充足的营养。这样,他们就从未离开过树了。我被这种情感所打动。这个现象给我很多关于人类社会的想法。我相信如果我们能够意识到每个人都应该有一颗感恩之心,那么我们的社会就会更加发展。秋天的颜色对我来说真的很神奇。他们让我有更大的想象空间来思考生命。我知道这个秋天的味道是甜的。   I really appreciate autumn quality. In my eyes, autumn is just a mature person. And her love requires no return. In this season, when I walk on the way, I can feel her sincerity and her firmness. Although she can't speak one word, I can learn something from her. This taste of autumn is pregnant and attractive.   我真的很赞赏秋天的品质。在我眼里,秋天就是一个成熟稳重的的人。她的爱不求回报。在这个季节,当我走在路上时,我可以感受到她的真诚与坚定。尽管她不能说话,但是我可以从她身上学到很多。这个秋天的味道是意味深长的,吸引人的。   Autumn is my favorite season and I will go on to feel autumn. Autumn also makes me have a deeper understanding of cherishing everything that I have now.   秋天是我最喜爱的季节。我会继续感受秋天。秋天也让我对于珍惜现在所拥有的有一个更加深刻的理解。 【篇二】关于英语优美的经典文章   If we get married, I firmly believe I'll   live a hard life, I can never   live happily with you, I'll devote myself   but not   to you. No one else is more   harsh and selfish and least   solicitous and considerate than you.   I sincerely want to let you know   what I said is true. Please do me a favor by   ending our relations and refrain from   writing me a reply. Your letter is always full of   things which displease me. You have no   sincere care for me. So long! Please believe   I don't love you any longer. Don't think   I still have a love of you!   Having read the letter, the father felt relieved and gave it to his daughter with a light heart.   The girl also felt quite pleased after she read it carefully, her lad still had a deep love for her.   Do you know why? In fact, she felt very sad when she read the letter for the first time. But she read it for a few more times and , at last, she found the key. 【篇三】关于英语优美的经典文章   Life comes from life. The universe is a living thing made by love and of love. The earth too as part of the universe is a living thing made of love. We experience her love in the abundance of support she provides us such as the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. And we recognize the divinity of her unconditional love and so call her mother earth or some of us refer to her as goddess. We must recognize as well that we too spring from universal love and as such carry a spark of the divine within each and everyone of us.   Ladies and gentleman,   We are here today to witness and celebrate a passage of life, a passage of love, which Ariele and Martin have chosen to enter upon. They have decided to become more than just lovers, but a family. Moving from onstage of life to another. You have been invited to be physical representatives of the divine and give your support to their union, so as to help make their new path a joyous one, one that is walked upon with wonder and ease. For truly, whether we recognize it or not, we are all family all of the time. Therefore we deeply thank you for your presence as we thank the goddess herself for being with us always.   This celebration is not and end, but a beginning, the start of a new process. From my experience it is not the marriage ceremony nor the marriage that is important, but the love and friendship that you share. Those will ensure a longer lasting relationship than any ritual.   With all my heart I bless you and trust that all will go well in your new life together. My love goes with you, as I am sure everyone else's love in this place goes with you as sell. Goddess be with you. Blessed be.