輝念了崔: 恊假利 > 岑紛 >


扮寂:2024-10-06 00:29:50 園辞:唖假


ゞEndless Starlight〃1、ゞEndless Starlight 〜凋のキラメキ〜 (Full ver.)〃梧簡困覆澆世 ほしにまばたをつたえてまもるものがあるからきっとつよくなれる囂るべき(ことば)払な くしたほしの(まもりて)は扮寂の 惚はてゆめ の は てやみに羨たちすくんだ欠をよんでみたんだ倡腎に けて豊かをよんでみたんだ(Cry of sorrow)高箔めたsolitude (Stay with me裏び かなresonance鳩かにとど くromanceそんな (Falling star)ながれぼしたちをだきとめたあすが需えなくたって\り埆えなくちゃってきせきのきせき宙がきみらいへつなぐglowing heart (My heart it glows)こころのphotonが咢采にこぼ れて畳吭をつよ く孚らすBurning brightそれぞれのおもいひめたほしのまもりてはそら からの 柵ぶ蕗にみちび かれた嶷ねる返と返には冱匐なんかより擦錣襪海箸ある(Open my heart)犯いこころ宥じあ ったたしかなresonance需つけるのはessenceめざした(Shining moment)いしきのさきがdestination基えがみえなくってくじ けそうになってささえあい ちかい あうきずなでつなぐ shining smile (Shining star)こころのphotonがぎんがにあふれてみちをひらくかぎは my starlike hear苧晩が需えなくたってのりこえなくちゃってきせきのきせきえがきみらいへつな ぐ glowing heartこころのphotonがぎんがにあふ れてみちが 蝕ひらいたら´!はばたいてゆこうよ\りこえてゆこうよほしぞらとけあっていつまでもゆるFly high(さあ fly with me)寔っ岷ぐねがいをせかいにうたってあたらしいよるも(It's a new day)あたらしいあさも (It's a new way)ここからまたはじめようMy heart shines endlessly (Song for the new days)とびたて (Magic moment)2、ゞ哂俛選男〃┝魍lol頁喇胆忽Riot Games蝕窟嶄忽寄遜仇曝喇木儷嗄老塰唔議利大嗄老。ゞ哂俛選男〃茅阻軸扮媾待、妖錦恬媾翌珊啜嗤匯為謹了蒙弼光呟議哂俛、戟源議仇夕式螺隈、徭強謄塘議媾利峠岬淫凄爺験峯、孰蚕弗狼由、憲猟吉圷殆。2014定1埖功象郊圭方象塋升LOL畠白恷互揖扮壓瀲冤仔750嵐畠白晩試埔互器2700嵐畠白埖試埔厮器6700嵐廣過喘薩叮柴LOL厮将撹葎輝書弊順恷醤繁賑才唹豼Φ塚大嗄老岻匯。3、咄赤廨辞哂俛選男議遍嫖廨辞ゞLeague of Legends-01〃頁喇鉢遊郊圭牌徭荷偽嬉夛。宸嫖廨辞淫根15遍爆徨嗤仟恬嗤将灸。哂俛選男詞咄廨辞-媾梧喇鉢遊郊圭竃瞳将灸議選男爆朕畠仟議舵強園電。


Star Guardians Login Screen佛岻便擦宀,齎

We were born from light beforethan even
was a dawn.

So pure So bright.

Falling from the skies above intoour darkened fate
This time has gone.

Walking through this word we knowthe secret of
our lives.

The light were share.

Caught in destiny we shine for weare meat to be.

The star guardians.

Gone in a flash before our time.

Up the skies together.

The vow we have made has kept usstrong.

Don¨t fade away it¨s time to shine.

Burning bright,

As we reach our for the same horizon.

Burring bright

We `re running outta time we¨re chasingthe light.

Gone in a flash before our time.

Up in the skies together.

The vow we have made has kept us strong.

Don¨t fade away it¨s time to shine.

Burring bright.

As we reach out for the same horizon.

Burring brighter.

Piercing through the dawn dark weborn on and on
And on.

The sight stuck in the mind.

I long for the days we were young.

The sound in my heart.

Light in you eyes.

But now I down in tears I cry.

Yelling your name into the rain.

Don¨t push me away let¨s head forthe sky.

Gone in the flash before our time.

Up in the skies together.

The vow we have made has kept us strong.

fade away it¨s time to shine.


As we
reach out for the same horizon.


thought the dawn we born on and on and on.