甘蔗是温带和热带农作物,是制造蔗糖的原料,且可提炼乙醇作为能源替代品。含有丰富的糖分、水分,还含有对人体新陈代谢非常有益的各种维生素。那么你知道甘蔗用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。 甘蔗的英语说法1: sugarcane 甘蔗的英语说法2: Sugar cane 甘蔗相关英语表达: 甘蔗蜡 sugarcane wax 甘蔗纤维 sugarcane fibre 甘蔗园 cane field 甘蔗茎 cane stalk 甘蔗的英语例句: 1. Dig out and burn infected canes. 把受感染的甘蔗挖出来烧掉。 2. This sugar cane is quite a sweet and juicy. 这甘蔗既甜又多汁. 3. Sugar canes eat sweet. 甘蔗吃起来很甜. 4. He cut the sugarcane into several pieces. 他把甘蔗截成几节. 5. I saw several sugar canes, but wild, and for cultivation, imperfect. 我还看到一些甘蔗, 因为是野生的, 未经人工栽培, 所以不太好吃. 6. Many farmers are refusing to harvest the cane. 很多农民正拒绝收割甘蔗。 7. The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine. 加糖的醋是从甘蔗和松木中精炼出来的。 8. I went and fetched a good dram of rum, and gave him. 我拿了一大杯甘蔗酒, 让他喝下去. 9. Mosaic is one of the most widely distributed sugarcane diseases. 花叶病是分布最广泛的甘蔗病害之一. 10. That's why even in this Depression growing cane is still a very profitable business. 这就是为什么在经济不景气的年头种甘蔗还是很有油水可捞的原因. 11. Nowhere in the world, raved Luke, did cane grow as tall or as rich in sugar. 卢克夸口说世界上没有一个地方可以让甘蔗长得这么高, 糖分这么足的. 12. How does sugar cane taste? 甘蔗的味道是怎样的? 13. There are two principal sources of commercial sucrose - sugar cane and sugar beets. 商业用蔗糖有两个主要来源 —— 甜甘蔗和制糖甜菜. 14. Sugar cane is a tropical perennial. It's one of the grasses. 甘蔗是一种热带多年生植物,它是一种禾本科植物. 15. Bagasse fibre: Fibre sometines used in paper - making obtained from sugar cane. 蔗渣纤维: 甘蔗压榨后的蔗渣纤维,可作造纸用.
combine A with B和combine A and B的区别
combine A with B和combine A and B的区别:1、combine A with B用于被动式,主语是物。2、combine A and B用于主动式,主语是人或其他能完成这一任务的物(如计算机,思想等)。拓展资料combine A with B的用法1、Atoms of iron in the nail combine with atoms of oxygen from the air to form molecules of iron oxide, or rust. 钉子里的铁原子与空气中的氧原子结合后形成氧化铁分子,也就是锈。2、Closely combine with architecture, make full use of architecture conditions and natural resources. 与建筑紧密结合,充分利用建筑条件和自然资源。3、New efficient configuration, intuitive operation, and storage and optimization technology combine with new systemization options. 新的有效配置,直观操作,存储、优化技术和新的系统化选择相结合。4、Between the two taxanes, both Taxol and Taxotere are reasonable options to combine with Adriamycin for our patient. 在2个紫杉类药物中,泰素和泰索帝与阿霉素联合均为合理的选择。combine A and B的用法1、The solar system and an antisolar system of comparable size were to combine and annihilate. 太阳系与一个大小相同的反太阳系相互结合而湮没。2、When two or more elements combine and form a compound, a chemical change takes place. 当两种或两种以上的元素结合形成化合物时,发生化学变化。3、But along the way we also got the itertools modules to combine and create various types of iterators. 但是,在这个过程中,还出现了itertools模块,它可以组合和创建各种类型的迭代器。4、This allows you to combine and merge XML and relational data. 这允许您联合及合并XML数据和关系型数据。