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时间:2024-10-10 04:58:53 编辑:阿旭


歌手:Yeah Yeah Yeahs
作词:Yeah Yeah Yeahs
作曲:Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Fallen for a guy,
Fell down from the sky
Halo round his head
Feathers in our bed
In our bed, in our bed

Fallen for a guy,
Fell down from the sky
Halo round his head
Feathers in our bed
In our bed, in our bed

It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say

Asked if I would try
To leave this all behind
Halo round his head
Dreaming in our bed
In our bed, in our bed

It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say

And I plead and I pray
And I plead and I pray
And I plead and I pray
And I plead and I pray

And I plead and I pray
And I plead and I pray
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
(And I plead and I pray)
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say
(And I plead and I pray)
It's sacrilege, sacrilege, sacrilege, you say


变身是指变成狼么,那应该木有,变成尖牙吸血鬼第一集就有,咬人那会儿。《初代吸血鬼 第一季》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/183tW6NehrZKrBf3uBdUCrw?pwd=dawe 提取码:dawe  克劳斯(约瑟夫·摩根 Joseph Morgan 饰)的体内流动着始祖吸血鬼和狼人的血液,随着时间的流逝,他的家族所代表的不可撼动的威望和权利渐渐化为了泡影,邪恶的马塞尔(查尔斯·迈克尔·戴维斯 Charles Michael Davis 饰)正在逐步取代克劳斯一族的地位,以他的霸道和强权在新奥尔良称王称霸。怀揣着各自的目的,克劳斯和伊利亚(丹尼尔·吉里斯 Daniel Gillies 饰)重返新奥尔良,在那里等待着他们的,不仅仅是宿敌马塞尔,还有以索菲亚(丹妮艾拉·皮内达 Daniella Pineda 饰)为首的女巫一族。为了对抗强悍的马塞尔,克劳斯等


《初代吸血鬼》20集开头插曲叫《Long Time Traveller》这是加拿大一组合唱的的一首歌曲,
歌曲名称:Long Time Traveller
歌手: The Wailin' Jennys
歌词: These fleeting charms of earth
Farewell, your springs of joy are dry
My soul now seeks another home
A brighter world on high
I'm a long time travelling here below
I'm a long time travelling away from home


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EHd5_Mp2l8Fz78g0ei2J_A 提取码: pxus《初代吸血鬼(The Originals)》是《吸血鬼日记》的衍生剧,由哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网出品。由Chris Grisme任导演, 约瑟夫·摩根,丹尼尔·吉里斯主演。该剧讲述了初代吸血鬼的家族成员尼克劳斯、以利亚和丽贝卡三兄妹返回新奥尔良定居后,并与其之前的门徒马赛尔开始统治权争夺和地区女巫斗争的惊险故事。


吸血鬼祖先Mikaelson家族的悲剧和胜利迎来了新的初代吸血鬼(The Originals)乐章,正式进入第三季。混血始祖Klaus·Mikaelson(约瑟夫·摩根饰)与同母异父的哥哥吸血鬼始祖Elijah·Mikaelson(丹尼尔·吉里斯饰)已经花了一千年的时间为了保护他们的不正常的家庭,但现在Klaus与混血Hayley(菲比·托金饰)又发生了内部矛盾,在争夺她们的女儿Hope,Mikaelson家族又一次的陷入危机。在第二季,Klaus和Elijah联手抵抗复活的母亲Esther(爱丽丝·伊万斯饰),随之揭开了一个埋藏一千年之久的谎言。Esther的姐姐---Dahlia(Claudia Black饰)跟Mikaelson家族的第一个孩子。Klaus和Elijah的姐姐---Freya(赖莉·维可饰)的身份也相继曝光。之后引起了一系列的家庭战争,他们也付出了惨痛的代价。 第三季,兄弟两人在慢慢适应与他们失散多年的姐姐Freya一起生活时,Klaus与Elijah开始相互疏远。起因还是Hayley遭受了Klaus的报复手段(被诅咒变成狼)。Klaus与Elijah兄弟二人,会在这一季里会因为很多事情,包括新角色的到来激化矛盾。Klaus已经给了Marcel(查尔斯·迈克尔·戴维斯饰)新奥尔良掌权,吸血鬼和Davina(丹妮尔·坎贝尔饰)领导的女巫建立了不容乐观的相处现状。与此同时Camille(莉·派斯饰)和Vincent(Yusuf Gatewood饰)他们俩人在帮助警探Will Kinney(Jason Dohring饰)调查连环谋杀案时,得到了一个惊人的发现。


They will be watching us,all of them.The three of us leaving together will draw too much attention.I will go along.Take your mourning public while I'm gone.I don't imagine that will be too difficult.Grief,after all,is grief.In what world will she be safe without us?Who can protect her better than we?There is one person.Hello sister.

初代吸血鬼第二季22集多会?克劳斯对hope说的话 ?

Once upon a time,there was a wolf king who fought a war for the most precious treasure in the kingdom,his beautiful precess.But victory came at a price...allices lost,new enemies made...And so,the wolf king stood alone.Happily ever after it was not,but sometimes even the worst endings are not really endings at all.And you should know,my littlest wolf,that,even when all seems burnt to ash,in our story,there is always another chapter to be told. 从前,有一个狼王为了他王国中最宝贵的财富—他美丽的小公主,发动了一场战争。但胜利是有代价的,失去了同盟,树立了新的敌人。因此,狼王变得孤立。没有永远幸福的生活,但是,即使最坏的结果也不是最终的结果。你应该知道,我的小狼女,即使一切化为灰烬,但在我们的故事里,永远有下一章。

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