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view释义:n.观察;视野;意见;风景vt.观察;考虑;查看用法:view可以用作名词view后接介词of,既可引出看的逻辑主语,也可引出看的逻辑宾语。view作“意见,观点,见解”解时多用于复数形式。view的基本意思是“看”“观察”,指看见展现在人们面前的、可以稳定地进行详细审视的事物,尤指需用某种方式或特殊目的来看待思考的事物。引申表示“持某种看法”“考虑”。view是及物动词,接名词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。词语辨析:sentiment, idea, opinion, view这组词都有“意见,看法,见解”的意思,其区别是:sentiment 着重指基于情感而非推理所得出的,已经固定了的看法,常用复数形式。idea 普通用词,通常指凭感觉和想象所形成的看法或意见。opinion普通用词,使用广泛。多指初步的或缺证据支持因而不十分肯定的意见或看法。view 侧重指个人对较广泛或重大问题所持的看法,常用复数形式。


观点的英语是opinion。英 [ə'pɪnjən] 美 [ə'pɪnjən]    n. 意见;主张;看法;判断例句:No matter what you say, I shall stick to my opinion.翻译:不管你说什么,我都坚持我的主张。用法n. (名词)1、opinion的基本意思是“意见,看法,主张”,可指个人的判断,也可指权威性的评论,往往含有“起初的,不十分肯定的”意味,多与介词of,on或about连用,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。2、opinion作“舆论”解时,是不可数名词。3、opinion与good,high,bad,low等词连用时表示“评价”。扩展资料:近义词view  英 [vjuː] 美 [vjuː]    n. 视野;见解;风景;方法;检查v. 考虑;看;把......视为例句:We can view the problem in many ways.翻译:我们可以从多方面来考虑这些问题。用法n. (名词)view后接介词of,既可引出看的逻辑主语,也可引出看的逻辑宾语。view作“意见,观点,见解”解时多用于复数形式。


观点的英文翻译是viewpoint词语分析:音标:英 [ˈvjuːˌpɔɪnt] 美 [vjuˌpɔɪnt] n. 观点, 意见, 角度短语:design viewpoint 设计观点Esthetics Viewpoint 美学观点例句:He explained his viewpoint that taxes should be increased.他解释了他认为应该增加税收的观点。Viewpoints Remarked by Civilians——Discussion on the Plot and Characters in "Solar Term and Errantry"从历史到戏剧的启示——以情节和人物为例论《节侠记》的艺术。This conclusion agress with the viewpoint that this species is on the speciation stage of migration towards north.这一结论支持该种目前正处于向北迁移的分化阶段的观点。近义词:n. 观点 standpoint , perspective


  观点是观察事物时所处的立场或出发点。那么你知道观点用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    观点英语说法1:   viewpoint    观点英语说法2:   opinion    观点英语说法3:   standpoint    观点的相关短语:   观点主义 Perspectivi *** e ; Perspectivi *** ; perspectivi *** ; conceptuali ***   表明观点 Giving Opinions ; show one's colors ; voice   观点类 Opinions   实践观点 practical viewpoint ; its practical viewpoint ; practice the view ; point of practice   同意观点 agreeing with an opinion   设计观点 Design View ; Viewpiont ; Design point ; Viewpoint   产生观点 Opinions e up   生态观点 ecological perspective ; Ecology viewpoint ; ecological viewpoint ; ecology viewpoint   全域性观点 Global View ; global view ; locality fitting    观点的英语例句:   1. It presented in satirical terms points made in earnest by Catholic writers.   它用讽刺的语言呈现了天主教作家郑重其事表明的观点。   2. A Wall Street Journal editorial encapsulated the views of many conservatives.   《华尔街日报》的一篇社论概述了很多保守派人士的观点。   3. You should also make your views known to your local MP.   你也应该让本地议员了解你的观点。   4. The notion that art should be controlled by intellectuals sickened him.   他讨厌艺术应由知识分子所掌控的观点。   5. Some of them make no bones about their political views.   他们中的一些人坦率地表达了自己的政治观点。   6. Editorially, they never really became a unique distinct product.   就立场和观点来说,它们从未真正做到树立起自己独具一格的视角。   7. Her Royal Highness has definite views about most things.   女王陛下对大多数事情都有明确的观点。   8. This evidence supports their contention that the outbreak of violence was prearranged.   这一证据证实了他们的观点,即此次突发暴力事件是有预谋的。   9. It's the collision of disparate ideas that alters one's perspective.   是迥然不同的观点之间的碰撞改变了人们的看法。   10. There are strong signs that his views are gaining ground.   各种明显的迹象显示他的观点越来越受欢迎。   11. These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics.   这些观点迅速成为语言学中新的正统观念。   12. Let me just go back to the point I was making.   请允许我再回到我刚才所提的观点。   13. The following recipe is a statement of another kind—food is fun!   下面的食谱是另一种观点的表现——食物可以带来乐趣!   14. You could certainly make out a case for this point of view.   你肯定能够证明这个观点。   15. Sensing she was on shaky ground, Marie changed the subject.   感到自己的观点站不住脚,玛丽于是换了个话题。


观点的英语是:viewpoint。读法:英 [ˈvjuːpɔɪnt],美 [ˈvjuːpɔɪnt]。n.观点;看法;角度。复数: viewpoints。短语:生物学观点 biological viewpoint;纯技术观点 purely technological viewpoint。例句:1、These units exposed children to many viewpoints of a given issue. 这些单元让孩子们接触到有关某一特定问题的多种观点。2、Most scientists would probably lean toward this viewpoint. 大多数科学家可能会倾向于这个观点。3、To include as many viewpoints as possible, the editor reserves the right to shorten letters. 为了能包括尽可能多的观点,编辑保留对信件进行删节的权力。4、I thought that I knew everything about Jemma: her likes and dislikes, her political viewpoints. 我原以为我了解杰玛的一切:她的好恶爱憎,她的政治观点。5、While this is a seductive viewpoint, other presidential couples have been both loving and respectful. 尽管这是一个很有诱惑力的观点,但其他总统伉俪也有既相亲相爱又相敬如宾的。

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