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时间:2024-10-12 16:17:52 编辑:阿旭


excess什么意思:过量的;过度;超过;过分;过多的量;超过的量;免赔额;自负额;放肆行为1、One is a stimulant while the other is an inhibitor — but both can bring a twitching eye when used in excess. 一种是兴奋作用而另外一种是抑制作用,而它们在饮用过量的时候都会导致眼皮乱跳。2、It's another way of avoiding data transfer excess. 这是避免数据传输过量的另一种方式。3、The increase will not be in excess of two per cent. 增加幅度不会超过百分之二。4、Are you suffering from an excess of stress in your life? 你生活中的压力太大吗?5、In an excess of enthusiasm I agreed to work late. 我一时热情过度答应了工作到很晚。6、Driving with excess alcohol in the blood is a serious offence. 血液里酒精含量过高时驾车是严重的违法行为。


这两个词的区别我懂,给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下的其他区别:1. Excess 通常用作名词,表示超出某个量或限制的部分。而 excessive 则用于形容词,表示过度、过多或过分的。例句:- The company produced an excess of clothing that they couldn't sell. 公司制造了过多的衣服,无法销售。- His excessive drinking habit landed him in trouble with the law. 他过度饮酒的习惯使他陷入了法律问题。2. Excess 可表示过剩或过度,而 excessive 主要是指一种负面效果,例如浪费、美食中毒等。例句:- The excess food was donated to a local food bank. 过量的食物被捐赠给当地的食品银行。- The excessive use of pesticides on crops is causing harm to the environment. 农作物上过度使用农药对环境造成了危害。3. Excess 更着重于指数量多余,超过需求或可接受的范围。而 excessive 则侧重于描述具有消极影响的质量或程度。例句:- The company was fined for having an excess amount of pollution emissions. 公司因大量污染物排放而被罚款。- Her excessive use of social media was interfering with her professional and personal life. 她过度使用社交媒体干扰了她的职业和个人生活。4. Excess 可以描述数额、质量或任何数量或范围的超出。而 excessive 通常描述一些不必要或无效的行为或行为的负面影响。例句:- The excess weight on the airplane was a safety concern. 飞机上的超重是一个安全的问题。- Her excessive attention to detail was causing the project to fall behind schedule. 她过度关注细节导致项目进度落后。5. Excess 更常用于技术性、经济学和商业领域。而 excessive 更加适用于心理学、人类行为和医学领域。例句:- The factory was generating excess waste that needed to be disposed of properly. 工厂产生了过多的垃圾需要妥善处理。- His excessive worry was causing him to lose sleep and feel anxious. 他过度担心导致他失眠并感到焦虑。