紧张的考试终于画上了圆满的句号,本次GRE考试大家考得怎么样呢?以下是为大家整理的2015年10月17日GRE阅读真题答案及解析,供大家参考! 2015年10月17日GRE阅读真题答案及解析 部分内容预览: The work of English writer Aphra Behn(1640–1689) changed markedly during the 1680s, as she turned from writing playsto writing prose narratives. According to literary critic Rachel Carnell, mostscholars view this change as primarily motivated by financial considerations:earning a living by writing for the theatre became more difficult in the 1680s,so Behn tried various other types of prose genres in the hope of findinganother lucrative medium. In fact, a long epistolary scandal novel that shewrote in the mid-1680s sold quite well. Yet, as Carnell notes, Behn did notrepeat this approach in her other prose works; instead, she turned to writingshorter, more serious novels, even though only about half of these werepublished during her lifetime. Carnell argues that Behn, whose stageproductions are primarily comedies, may have turned to an emerging literaryform, the novel, in a conscious attempt to criticize, and subvert for her ownends, the conventions and ideology of a well-established form of her day, thedramatic tragedy. >>>点击下载pdf完整版 GRE阅读备考的三点建议 建议一:对文章结构的把握 文章结构是做阅读题整体思路的关键。掌握了文章结构就知道文章大体的行文脉络,文章的大体意思也差不多了。文章的结构类型以及标志词,以及文章结构类型和主旨题之间的关系,仔细分析一道主旨题的正确答案是怎么阐述原文篇章主旨和结构的,其实这个正确答案就是文章的中心句的改写形式,最重要的就是找出原文中的中心句,这是帮助读者更深刻地理解原文结构的有效办法。 建议二:对常考考点的熟悉程度 俗化说,知己知彼,百战百胜。要想迅速攻克GRE阅读难关,就要了解出题者的思维。根据题目反推原文考点,题目都考了原文哪些内容,自己有没有关注到这些内容并做标记,这些内容都有什么可总结的规律、特征词。这样总结非常重要,如果坚持下去,很短一段时间后,就会发现一些固定的原文出题点,日后再读原文的时候也就会自然而然地关注它们了。 建议三:对错误题的总结分析 分析错题,做错的题一定不能放过,看它们与正确答案之间的差别在哪里,在分析错题的同时更要关注正确答案与原文定位处的叙述之间的改写关系,尤其是词与词的对应关系。当然除了这三点外还有很多可以总结的,比如词汇、难句等,总结是提高的关键,特别是在GRE阅读中,只有多总结,从总结中不段进步,不段提高,这样我们的阅读水平才会得到提高。 希望以上《2015年10月17日GRE阅读真题答案及解析》一文能给大家提供帮助!及时为大家提供GRE考试信息,大家按 Ctrl+D 即可收藏本站,第一时间了解最新GRE考试信息。 猜你可能喜欢:
GRE阅读比较难,这点想必大家日常练习时会深有体会,阅读中遍布各种障碍,这些障碍让考生读不懂原文,从而对考生成绩影响很大,下面将详细分析GRE阅读的考试难点,并提供不可或缺的几项读懂新GRE逻辑阅读文章的心得。注意细节 在GRE阅读文章中,深奥的专业术语与学术名词不可避免,虽然掌握大量的词汇是基础,但不认识的单词也是很正常的现象。这就要求考生更多注意文章细节,注意训练和培养阅读方法和技巧,比如一般出现深奥的学术名词时,通常在上下文中会有相对较为浅显的解释,帮助考生理解生词的含义。因此,很多考生认为插入语是无关紧要的,但很可能插入语后面正包含着对这个复杂名词的解释。定位查找 根据GRE阅读的命题规律,考到复杂学术名词的题目通常为细节题,解决细节题的核心是快速定位能力。建议考生熟练使用标记法,针对文中出现的很可能作为考点的细节内容,用自己能看懂的简单符号进行标记。定位方法比较多,如用首字母提炼法,将该术语名词的首字母标记到该行的行首;当一篇文章中出现许多首字母相同的不同名词时,可能需要提炼多个字母,直到该标记能够唯一标识某个名词术语为止。寻找内在关联 很多时候,文章里面出现的一系列术语会构成一个体系,形成某种关联,考生可以在阅读过程中发现这一点并对这些术语进行整合,从而进行更深层次、更全面的理解和标记。比如有篇文章分析某种热泵的原理,里面提到了压缩机、冷凝机、气化机、高温高压态、低温高压态、低温低压态等术语名词,如果单个进行标记的话还是一团浆糊,应该根据文章地论述将这些术语标记在一个由简单的方框和箭头构成的系统图中,这样不但是解决了术语词汇的问题,同时也对文章的内容进行了梳理,答起题来可说是游刃有余了。注:完全没有问题!请提问者及时采纳!
121、yet waizer’s argument,however deficient,does point to one of the most serious weak-nesses of capitalism-namely,that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who,no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards,often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration. (5)
解释:第一个插入语however deficient 中的however在此不是转折连词,而是副词,等于no matter how,但是因为后面出现了no matter how,而作者又追求语言表述的多样性,所以作者在此使用了however deficient这样较为少见的(但在gre考试中多见)的语言。
尽管本句的插入语较多,第二个插入语很长,但是本句的真正难点在倒装上。破折号后面的部分是主句宾语的同位语从句,此从句中固定搭配bring a to b被倒装成了bring to ba。如果把这句话恢复成正常语序,则是it brings people who, no matter how legitimately they have earned their materiall rewards, often lask those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration to predominant positions in a society。很明显,这样的语序会显得头重脚轻。
意群训练:yet waizer’s argument,however deficient,does point to one of the most serious weak- nesses of capitalism-namely,that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who,no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards,often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration.
122、the appreciation of traditional oral american indian literature has been limited,hampered by poor translations and by the difficulty,even in the rare culturally sensitive and aesthetically satisfying translation,of completely conveying the original’s verse structure,tone,and syntax.(4 - )对美国印第安人传统口头文学的欣赏,一直被质量低劣的翻译所限制和妨碍,并且即使是那种不可多得的既体现着文化敏感性,又在美学上令人满意的译作,也难以完全传递出原作的诗体结构、语调和句法。
注:the difficulty (….) of:括号中的是插入语
解释:本句的插入语不好对付,一来它的长度比较长,而且修饰层次多,内容也不甚好懂,二来这个插入语正好嵌在difficulty of的中间,割裂了句意。
意群训练:the appreciation of traditional oral american indian literature has been limited,hampered by poor translations and by the difficulty,even in the rare culturally sensitive and aesthetically satisfying translation,of completely conveying the original’s verse structure,tone,and syntax.
123、mores, which embodied each culture’s ideal principles for governing every citizen, were developed in the belief that the foundation of a community lies in the cultivation of individual powers to be placed in service to the community. (4+)“风俗习惯”,体现了每一文化制约每个公民的理想准则,它是在这种信仰中发展而来的,即一个社会的基础在于个人能力的培养,并将这些个人能力置于对社会的服务之中。
解释:与前面的绝大多数句子相比,本句的结构算不上复杂。但是由于句意抽象,所以读到the cultivation of individuall powers to be placed in servicee to the comm.unity的时候容易读不懂,因为后面的这个不定式既有可能是修饰cultivation的,也有可能是修饰individual powers的。这里修饰的是后者。而且这里的individual powers to be placed in servicee to the comm.unity不应翻译成“individuall powers to serve the comm.unity”即可。此文强调这种individual power被置于一种位置、一种定位。当然这种细微的差别不一定会影响答题,但有时会对文章的理解产生影响。
意群训练:mores, which embodied each culture’s ideal principles for governing every citizen, were developed in the belief that the foundation of a community lies in the cultivation of individual powers to be placed in service to the community.
124、only in the case of the february revolution do we lack a useful description of participants that might characterize it in the light of what social history has taught us about the process of revolutionary mobilization. (5)
唯独在二月革命(the february revolution)这一情形中,我们缺乏一种有用的有关参加者的描述,而这一描述则有可能按照社会历史有关革命动员过程所教给我们的内容来勾画出这场革命的性质。
解释:句首虽有一个倒装,但是这种简单结构并不能给我们的读者带来大的影响;倒是主句宾语a useful descryiption of participants之后的定语从句that might characterize it中的两个易混指代及其后的状语in the light of给我们的理解造成了巨大的困难。
首先,that从句所修饰的不是participants,而是description。紧随其后的it指的则是前面的february revolution。判断这两点的惟一方法就是通过句子的意思,没有任何其他途径。后面的in the light of…是按照…、根据….的意思,其英文解释为from the point of view。后面的层层修饰虽然有一定的难度,但是我们已经在前面的句子中司空见惯,在此不多做解释。
意群训练:only in the case of the february revolution do we lack a useful description of participants that might characterize it in the light of what social history has taught us about the process of revolutionary mobilization.
125、as a consequence, it may prove difficult or impossible to establish for a successful revolution a comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated, or to answer even the most basic questions one might pose concerning the social origins of the insurgents.(5)
解释:主句的主语it是形式主语,其真正内容在后面的两个由or连接的并列的不定式中,前一个不定式中出现了一个大型倒装,to establish /for a successful revolution/ a comprehensivee and trustworthy picture of those who participated 的正常语序是to establish a comprehensivee and trustworthy picture(of those who participated)/for a successful revolution。对于类似的结构,读者如果按照笔者的要求认真地过前面的难句,训练到现在已经有所感觉。正确的现场感觉是这样:看到established之后没有出现宾语,而是直接出现表示目的的for,句意不完整,大脑就会根据前面训练得出的经验自动判断可能有倒装的结构;读者本人的反应就是隐隐觉得后面应该有established的具体内容。因为有这种预期,读到a comprehensivee and trustworthy picture的时候,正好可以把它与没有说完的established连在一起。
后面的不定式的宾语even the most basic questions之后有两个并列的宾语,第一个是省略了引导词的定语从句that one might pose,第二个分词修饰concerning the sociall origins of the insurgents。
意群训练:as a consequence, it may prove difficult or impossible to establish for a successful revolution a comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated, or to answer even the most basic questions one might pose concerning the social origins of the insurgents.
126、anthropologists and others are on much firmer ground when they attempt to describe the cultural norms for a small homogeneous tribe or village than when they undertake the formidable task of discovering the norms that exist in a complex modern nation state composed of many disparate groups.(4)
解释:句子的结构拉得很长,主要原因是用来比较的两个when引导的状语从句都太长,句子的主干是anthroplogists are on much firmer ground/when…/than/when…/。结果more than的结构被长长的状语从句分隔得很远。
另外,第二个when 引导的从句中的宾语也很复杂,解释一个单词:nation-state指单一民族的国家。此单词的词义不必背下来。
解释:anthropologists and others are on much firmer ground when they attempt to describe the cultural norms for a small homogeneous tribe or village than when they undertake the formidable task of discovering the norms that exist in a complex modern nation state composed of many disparate groups.
127、the italian influence is likely, whatever valdez immediate source: the mexican carpas themselves are said to have originated from the theater pieces of a sixteenth-century spanish writer inspired by encounters with italian commedia dell’arte troupes on tour in spain.(4+)
解释:本句的冒号以后的分句中的from 引导的状语的结构又是典型的层层修饰,再加上主句的内容,整个句子的意思很难理顺。到底是什么来自于什么?
意群训练:the italian influence is likely, whatever valdez immediate source: the mexican carpas themselves are said to have originated from the theater pieces of a sixteenth-century spanish writer inspired by encounters with italian commedia dell’arte troupes on tour in spain.
128、it has thus generally been by way of the emphasis on oral literary creativity that these chicano writers,whose english language works are sometimes uninspired,developed the powerful and arresting language that characterized their spanish-language works. 因此,一般而言,正是通过对口头文学创造性的强调,这些奇卡诺作家——其英语作品时常显得缺乏灵感——才得以发展一种强有力的和富于吸引力的语言,并以此构成了他们西班牙语作品的特征。
解释:读者们阅读本句的时候一定感觉极其别扭。首先,我们尽管知道it has been …that..。这种结构是一种强调语气,但是it has thus generally been by way of the emphasis on oral literary creativeity that…看上去就极不舒服。当然从语法上讲这么说是可以的,可是我们确实很少见到it has been 和that之间插入这么多东西的说法。解释一下by way of的意思,就是通过什么样的方法、通过某种手段的意思。其英文释义为by the route of,同义词是via。
thus, these chicano writers, whose english-language works are sometimes uninspired, developed the powerfull and arresting languagee that characterized their spanish-language works.generally by way of the emphasis on oral literary creativeity.
意群训练:it has thus generally been by way of the emphasis on oral literary creativity that these chicano writers,whose english language works are sometimes uninspired,developed the powerful and arresting language that characterized their spanish-language works.
129、to measure them properly,monitoring equipment would have to be laid out on a grid at intervals of at most 50 kilometers,with sensors at each grid point lowered deep in the ocean and kept there for many months.
为了恰当地测量它们,监测设备必须被设置在一网络上,彼此的间距最多为五十公里,位于每个网点的感应器沉放至海洋深处,并在许多个月中一直固定在那里。 (原书无此句)
130、this declaration,which was echoed in the text of the fourteenth amendment,was designed primarily to counter the supreme court’s ruling in dred scott v. sandford that black people in the united states could be denied citizenship. (3)
这一在第十四条修正案的文本中被复述的宣言,主要是旨在对抗法院在“dred scott诉sandford”一案中的判决,此判决裁定,在美国的黑人可被剥夺公民权。
意群训练:this declaration,which was echoed in the text of the fourteenth amendment,was designed primarily to counter the supreme court’s ruling in dred scott v. sandford that black people in the united states could be denied citizenship.