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时间:2024-10-20 03:49:43 编辑:阿旭


问题一:她是我的命用英文怎么说 She is my life

问题二:她是你的命,我是什么?这句话用英文翻译出来 she is your life,who am I?

问题三:他们是我的生命,英语怎么说 They are my life!
They are everything of me ! 他们是我的全部!
They are what i live on! 我靠着他们生活!

问题四:这句话用英文怎么说 “生命是无价的 我们任何时候都不能拿他开玩笑” Life is priceess,for which we shouldn't play jokes on it any time.

问题五:她是我生命的全部,英语翻译是? 应该是she is all of my life. 她是我生命的全部。 这个“满意答案”完全是chinglish,中文式英文,楼主您看清楚咯!!!

问题六:她是我的全部!英语怎么说? she is everything to me.She is the whole world to me.she is all my life.


我的命My life。例句:1、再过3周或4周不会要了我的命!Three or four more weeks won't kill me! 2、你救了我的命。You have saved my life. 3、即使那会要我的命,我也一定要做。I will do it if it kill me. 4、就是要了我的命,我也无法解出这一难题。For the life of me, I can't solve this puzzle. 5、这样短的期限,要了我的命也完成不了定额。I cannot fulfil the quota in such a short time even if I kill myself.