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时间:2024-11-02 01:42:47 编辑:阿旭

replace with有什么区别?

"replace by"和"replace with"都表示替换或取代某物。然而,它们在释义区别、用法区别、使用环境区别、影响范围区别和形象区别方面存在细微差异。1. 释义区别:- "replace by"意味着用新的事物或者方法完全替代了旧的事物或者方法;- "replace with"意味着使用新的事物或者方法取代了旧的事物或者方法。例句:- The old machine was replaced by a new one.(旧机器被新机器替代了。)- She replaced the broken cup with a brand new one.(她用一个全新的杯子替换了破碎的那个。)2. 用法区别:- "replace by"通常用于谈论被替代的对象,并指明新事物或方法;- "replace with"通常用于谈论替代物,并指明用于替换的新事物或方法。例句:- The old system was replaced by a more efficient one.(旧系统被一个更高效的系统所取代。)- I replaced the damaged tire with a spare one.(我用备胎替换了损坏的轮胎。)3. 使用环境区别:- "replace by"更常用于描述整个事物或系统的替代;- "replace with"更常用于描述部分事物的替代。例句:- The traditional manual process was replaced by an automated system.(传统的手工流程被一个自动化系统所替代。)- She replaced the missing spices with some alternative ones.(她用一些替代性香料替代了缺失的那些。)4. 影响范围区别:- "replace by"通常强调整体的替代,意味着旧事物完全被新事物取代;- "replace with"通常强调部分的替代,意味着用新事物替换旧事物的一部分。例句:- The old carpet was replaced by hardwood flooring.(旧地毯被木地板完全替代。)- He replaced the old light bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs.(他用节能的LED灯泡替换了旧的白炽灯。)5. 形象区别:- "replace by"可能具有一种彻底、完全取代的形象;- "replace with"可能具有一种部分、局部替换的形象。例句:- The handwritten letters were replaced by emails.(手写信件被电子邮件完全取代。)- The worn-out sofa was replaced with a new one.(破旧的沙发被一个全新的替换了。)

replace with什么意思

"Replace with"是一个英语短语,意思是用某物替代另一物或用某人代替另一人。
在句子中,"replace with"通常用于描述替换、更换或代替某物或某人的行为。它可以用于各种上下文,例如:
1. "Please replace the old batteries with new ones."(请用新电池替换旧电池。)
在这个例子中,"replace with"表示将旧电池拿掉,然后放入新电池。
2. "Due to his injury, John will be replaced with another player for the next match."(由于受伤,约翰将在下一场比赛中被另一名球员代替。)
这个例子中,"replace with"表示将约翰替换为另一名球员,使其参加下一场比赛。
总之,"replace with"的意思是用某物或某人替代另一物或另一人。

replace with与replace的区别是什么?

replace by和replace with的区别:1、在多数情况下replace by... = replace... with ... 用(以)......代替(取代,替代)...。2、而replace with 却不等于replace by,(replace by 常有“取而代之”的味道),因为replace by代指范围较小。拓展资料replace by1、Which parts of the system could we replace by existing services? 系统的哪部分可以让我们用现有服务代替?2、Now it is replace by a supermarket. 现在已经被一家超市取代了。3、The monarchy be overthrow in the revolution, and the king replace by a president. 君主制度在革命中被推翻,国王被总统取代。4、Larceny no longer exist in english law, have is replace by the crime of theft. 在英国法中不再存在盗窃罪,现在被偷窃罪所取代。5、The surprise in her face was replace by joy. 她脸上的惊讶表情被快乐所取代。replace with1、This is any maintaining taste what cannot replace with cordial place. 这是任何保养品和补品所不能取代的。2、If you want to replace the text, enter the replacement text in the replace with box. 如果要替换该文字,请在“替换为”框中输入替换文字。3、To replace the quotation marks with another value, enter that value in the Replace With box.要使用另一个值替换引号,请在替换为框中输入该值。4、Indicates how to interpret special characters entered in the find what or replace with text boxes. 指示如何解释在“查找内容”或“替换为”文本框中输入的特殊字符。5、In the replace with box, type the text you want to replace it with. 在“替换为”框中,键入要用来替换的文本。

be replaced by和be replaced with有什么区别吗?

be replaced by和be replaced with都可以被用来表示"被代替",两者在含义侧重点和用法上存在着区别具体区别如下:一:含义解释be replaced by 英 [bi rɪˈpleɪst baɪ] 美 [bi rɪˈpleɪst baɪ] 被取代;被代替;被替代;取代be replaced with 英 [bi rɪˈpleɪst wɪð] 美 [bi rɪˈpleɪst wɪð] 被代替,被取代相同点:两者都有"被取代"的意思。不同点:be replaced by是前者被后者取代, be replacedwith是用后者取代前者.二:用法区分1、在多数情况下replace by... = replace... with ... 用(以)......代替(取代,替代)...。2、而replace with 却不等于replace by,(replace by 常有“取而代之”的味道),因为replace by代指范围较小。Now it is replace by a supermarket. 现在已经被一家超市取代了。三:典型例句1、be replaced by——Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom. 课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。——The smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown. 笑容消失了,取而代之的是哀伤的蹙眉。——But she believes some roles may never be replaced by machines.但她认为,某些职位可能永远不会被机器取代。2、be replaced with ——Every failure simply has to be replaced with another attempt. 如果失败了,就应该再干。——Otherwise, a damaged reinforcement must always be replaced with a new one! 否则,必须用新的加固件来更换已损坏的加固件!——Fill the wear and tear must be replaced with new ones. 填料磨损必须更换新的。

replace to 和 replace for 的区别是什么

一、语境不同1、replace to:替换某些东西,强调要替换的东西。 例句:When measuring the lower torque, replace to with a liny spring. 当测量小扭力时,用细弹簧替换粗弹簧。2、replace for :替换成某些东西,强调要替换成的东西。例句:Search-and-replace features for easier editing 搜索替换功能以便更容易的编辑二、词义不同1、replace to: 代替、更换例句:Search and replace to the rescue. 搜索并替换到救援系统。2、replace for :将......取代成......例句:Lists topics that discuss how to use search and replace for strings. 列出论述如何针对字符串使用搜索和替换功能的主题。三、短语搭配不同1、replace to:例句:Replace Data value to ReferenceYou then use zpool replace to exchange the corrupted device (loop3) with the new device.然后,您使用 zpool replace 用新的设备(loop4)交换已损坏的设备(loop3)。2、replace for :Replace Turbine for Handpiece例句:I believe so. But if it really bothers you, I'll replace it for you. 我想是.如果您不喜欢.我可以替您换了它.

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