The Flood - Take That
Standing, on the edge of forever,
At the start of whatever,
Shouting love at the world.
Back then, we were like cavemen,
We'd beam at the moon and the stars,
Then we forgave them.
We will meet you where the lights are,
The defenders, of the faith we are.
Where the thunder turns around
They'll run so hard we'll tear the ground away.
You know no one dies, in these love town lies,
Through our love drowned eyes,
We'll watch you sleep tonight.
Although no one understood
We were holding back the flood,
Learning how to dance the rain.
We were holding back the flood
They said we’d never dance again.
Bleeding, but none of us leaving,
Watch your mouth, son
Or you'll find yourself floating home.
Here we come now on a dark star,
Seeing demons, not what we are.
Tiny minds and eager hands
Will try to strike but now will end today.
There's progress now where there once was none,
Where there once was ah,
Then everything came along.
Although no one understood,
We were holding back the flood
Learning how to dance the rain.
There was more of them than us now
They'll never dance again.
Although no one understood
There was more of them than us
Learning how to dance the rain
We were holding back the flood
They said we’d never dance again
We will meet you where the lights are,
The defenders, of the faith we are.
Where the thunder turns around
They'll run so hard we'll tear the ground away.
Although no one understood
There was more of them than us
Learning how to dance the rain.
(learning how to dance the rain)
There was more of them than us now
They'll never dance again.
Now we'll never dance again.
Oh ahh, Oh ahh, Oh ahh, Oh ahh...
中国达人秀:the mass
征服天堂Black Eyed Peas – I Gotta Feeling
snow patrol的chasing cars
Requiem for a dream
Ke$ha--Tik Tok
Mary Had a Little Lamb
The Feeling -《Fill my little world》taylor swift 《sparks fly》You raise me up——Secret Garden 英国达人秀:的开场音乐Requiem For A Tower——escala
Flo-rida / T-pain 的 "Low"
Justin Timberlake -"Rock Your BodyEscala - "Finding Beautyaerosmith的i dont wanna miss a thing
leona lewis的footprints in the sand
Britney Spears - I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet
Bill Conti 的 "Gonna Fly Now"
Snow Patrol - "Chasing Cars"
英国达人第一季冠军 保罗·珀特斯(Paul Potts),英国一个平凡的手机销售员。 2007年,Paul 参加了科维尔旨在挖掘演唱人才的Britain's Got Talent(《英国达人》)。初赛中,保罗演唱了吉亚卡摩·普契尼的《今夜无人入睡》的1分钟“压缩版”。这首当今世界唯有帕瓦罗蒂等级的男高音歌唱家才能驾驭的的经典曲目,他仅用了1分钟完美展现,令现场的2000多名素未谋面的观众起立报以长时间的掌声,有些观众更是当场泪流满面。 决赛中,他上演了完整版的《今夜无人入睡》,获得最高观众支持率,成功问鼎首届《英国达人》冠军宝座,并得到在英国女王面前献唱的机会。 其貌不扬的Paul,凭得天独厚的歌声打动全球歌迷,由寂寂无闻的手提电话销售员,摇身变成家传户晓的明星,事早已成为乐坛传奇,其处男大碟《One Chance》全球销量更超越200万张。 英国达人第2季冠军-乔治桑普森 《英国达人》第二季冠军是15岁的腼腆少年乔治桑普森,他也曾参加第一季选拔,虽然西蒙很喜欢,但却没能打动两外两位评委阿曼达和派尔斯,因此乔治继续一边跳舞赚钱养家,一边提高技术准备再来。2008年,乔治一路过关斩将,决赛时跳了一曲《雨中曲》,征服所有人。 乔治也没有向生活屈服过。他父母离异,与母亲和哥哥一起过着紧巴巴的生活,因为舞技出众,他经常靠在街头跳舞赚舞蹈音乐课的学费,不少人给他取“戏子”、“要饭的”、“娘娘腔”等各种难听外号。另外,他还患有罕见的脊椎病,医生曾警告说继续跳舞很可能导致他终身瘫痪。去年圣诞前乔治为了缓解背部疼痛接受了治疗,结果又影响到了脊椎神经并波及到视神经,导致右眼暂时失明了两个月。 【英国达人第三季冠军创意舞团Diversity】 英文名:Diversity 中文名:百变街舞组合 创队时间:2007年 特点:创意街舞,万象风格,职业年龄甚至到身高发型均多样化的成员。 来自:英国,Essex (艾塞克斯,英国英格兰东南部的郡)和 East London (东伦敦区)。 获得奖项: 全英街舞大赛冠军07年 UK Street Dance Weekend 2007 Championship 英国达人第三季冠军09年 Britain's Got Talent 2009 Winner 队长Ashley Banjo 成员:11名,由3个家庭的兄弟和4个好朋友组成。由于他们年龄、种族、身高、发型以及职业都各不相同,所以命名为Diversity(多样化)。 Ashley Banjo—— 20岁, 队长以及舞蹈设计者,现在Queen Mary College 自然科学系主修物理,并且即将攻读硕士学位。Ashley的爸爸曾是名拳击手,妈妈是位芭蕾舞员。他的妈妈在家附近经营了一家Dance Studio,Ashley 和 Jordan 周末会去那里担任舞蹈老师。Ashley从14岁便已经开始自己编排舞蹈动作,最早的成员之一。 Jordan Banjo—— 16岁, Ashley的弟弟,高中在学。 Ian McNaughton—— 25岁,职业为IT通讯,最早的成员之一。Perri在周一终于回到了久违的学校 Jamie McNaughton—— 23岁, 电话销售员,最早的成员之一。 Matthew McNaughton—— 16岁, 在College主修音乐 Music Technology。 Mitchell Craske—— 13岁,小学生,6岁起便开始跳舞,永远都作为惊喜出现在观众面前,最早的成员之一。 Sam Craske—— 19岁, Mitchell的哥哥,水管工人。 Warren Russell—— 18岁,电信工程师。 Terry Smith—— 24岁,即将从Greenwich University 计算机技术专业毕业,最早的成员之一。 Perri Luc Kiely—— 13岁,学生,他的Afro hair(非洲爆炸头)已经成为了他的Trademark,拿手绝活就是翻跟头。 Ike Ezekwugo—— 20岁,即将从Greenwich University 人力资源管理专业毕业。