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时间:2024-11-15 10:17:18 编辑:阿旭


There is a plant that is used for almost every thing. It is used in construction, used for making yarn and fabric, jewelry, tools and other implements, pulp for paper, medicine, used as food and even use to make musical instruments. Not only this, it is the fastest growing woody plant on Earth. Yes, it is true. There is rather a kind of grass called Bamboo.

It has been clocked surging skyward as fast as 121 cm (47.6 inches) in a 24-hour period and can also reach maximal growth rate exceeding one meter (39 inches) per hour for short periods of time. Many prehistoric bamboos exceeded heights of 250 feet.

Bamboos play an important role in local economies throughout the world and are of major national and international commercial importance in the Asia-Pacific region. It is estimated that 2.5 billion people depend on or use bamboo materials valued at US$ 7 billion per annum.

There are more than 70 genera divided into about 1,000 species. They are found in diverse climates, from cold mountains to hot tropical regions. They occur across East Asia, from 50°N latitude in Sakhalin through to Northern Australia, and west to India and the Himalayas. They also occur in sub-Saharan Africa, and in the Americas from the Southeastern United States south to Argentina and Chile, reaching their southernmost point anywhere, at 47°S latitude.

This fast growing plant can help us in a lot of ways. Because of its high rate of growth it can form one of the biggest contributors of reducing greenhouse gases. It can grow at almost every kind of place makes it flexible enough for mass plantation. The pulp it gives is used for so many different purposes. It can be used as bio-fuel to produce electricity, for paper production. Especially in developing countries where it grows it can provide a source of income and employment. It has already shown its commercial importance so I think the governments should take a more proactive role in developing bamboo in places where other crops cannot be grown. So you see the two most important E’s environment and economy can get some help from bamboo.

With all these valuable traits the bamboo is rally a miracle plant.








不同种类的动物和植物的英语翻译:Different types of animals and plants当涉及到动物和植物的英语名称时,还有一些其他需要补充的内容:动物的分类:动物被分类为不同的类别,例如哺乳动物(Mammals)、鸟类(Birds)、爬行动物(Reptiles)、两栖动物(Amphibians)和鱼类(Fish)等。每个类别下都有许多不同的物种,每个物种都有自己的英语名称。植物的分类:植物也被分类为不同的类别,例如树木(Trees)、草本植物(Herbs)、灌木(Shrubs)和花卉(Flowers)等。每个类别下也有许多不同的物种,每个物种都有自己的英语名称。术语和专有名词:在动植物领域,还有一些特定的术语和专有名词。例如,昆虫的英语名称为"Insects",哺乳动物的英语名称为"Mammals",兰花的英语名称为"Orchid"等。这些术语和专有名词是与特定种类和科学分类相关的。地域差异:需要注意的是,有些动物和植物的英语名称可能会因地域差异而有所不同。不同的地区可能有不同的方言和习惯用语,导致对某些动植物的称呼稍有差异。因此,在特定的地理背景下,可能会出现一些变化。综上所述,当涉及到动物和植物的英语名称时,了解它们的分类、术语和地域差异是很有帮助的。同时,也建议使用可靠的资源,如英语词典、科学文献和专业学术的资料,以获取准确的英语名称信息。