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时间:2024-11-19 10:36:11 编辑:阿旭


  胸罩(Brassiere)是女性使用的内衣之一,又称奶头布、乳罩、奶罩或文胸等,功能是用以遮蔽及支撑乳房。胸罩英文怎么说?本文是我整理的胸罩英文,欢迎阅读。   胸罩英文怎么说   胸罩   xiōng zhào   bra; brassiere; bust bodice; breast form   胸罩双语例句   1. She bought Ann two bras and six pairs of knickers.   她给安买了两件胸罩、6条内裤。   2. A bra and a pair of briefs lay on the floor.   地板上有一个胸罩和一条短内裤。   3. A properly fitting bra should never leave red marks.   合适的胸罩不会留下红色勒痕。   4. These bras should be handwashed to help them keep their shape.   这些胸罩要手洗以保持不变形。   5. The bra has gone from being a fashion classic to a fashion cult.   胸罩已经从经典时尚转变为流行时尚。   6. She wears a ` D cup, ie size of bra.   她戴罩杯尺寸为D的胸罩.   7. I'll keep my eye open for awarthog wearing your bra and panties.   我会睁大眼睛,寻找穿着你的胸罩和内裤的疣猪.   8. The bra security is handled by Mr. Price's diamond company.   胸罩安全保障是由普莱斯先生的钻石公司负责的.   9. If you want to win, you have to take your bras off, okay?   如果你想赢的话你就得把你的胸罩脱掉, 如何?   10. An adjustable Diamond heart on a classic black bra strap.   可调节钻石心型扣在经典的黑色胸罩肩带上.   11. The character on the brassiere reads'box '.   胸罩上的字读'选票 '.   12. Glass and Glassware, Beads, Brass, Glass and Beads , Fabric Accessories Planters Wall.   采购产品玻璃和玻璃器具类, 珠子, 胸罩, 玻璃和珠子, 织物配件种植者.   13. She wears a'D cup, ie size of bra.   她戴罩杯尺寸为d的胸罩.   14. An adjustable Diamond heart with a classic pink bra strap.   可调节钻石心型扣和经典的粉红色胸罩肩带.   15. If you have a large bust, invest in a good support bra.


  胸的上界为颈部下界,下界为骨性胸廓下口,外界为三角肌前后缘,是人体第二大体腔局部。胸部的肉体几乎是脂肪为主,除脂肪外胸部最大的成分是乳腺。那么你知道胸部用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    胸部的英语说法1:   chest    胸部的英语说法2:   breast    胸部的英语说法3:   bosom    胸部的相关英语表达:   胸部损伤 chest injuries   胸部手术 Chest surgery   胸部穿刺 Chest Puncture Scan   胸部整形 Chest Plastic    胸部的英语说法例句:   1. Breathe out and ease your knees in toward your chest.   呼气,膝部放松向胸部靠拢。   2. The dress exaggerates her wasp waist and enlarges her bosom.   那件连衣裙凸显了她的蜂腰,也让她的胸部看起来更丰满。   3. She lay on the bed, her eyes closed and her bosom palpitating.   她躺在床上,闭着眼,胸部起伏不定。   4. Never keep on exercising if you have even the slightest chest pain.   即使你只感到很轻微的胸部疼痛,也不要继续锻炼。   5. He bared his muscular, hairy chest for a women's magazine.   他为一本女性杂志秀出了他那肌肉发达、毛发浓密的性感胸部。   6. She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest.   她用肘猛击他的胸部,挣脱了出来。   7. Howard had to have cancer surgery for a lump in his chest.   霍华德不得不进行肿瘤手术以切除胸部的肿块。   8. I kept the list in my breast pocket.   我把名单放在了胸部的衣兜里。   9. Lili had a nasty chest infection.   莉莉胸部感染很严重。   10. His chest was swathed in bandages.   他的胸部缠着绷带。   11. The water came up to my chest.   水淹到了我的胸部。   12. Good posture also helps your bust look bigger.   优美的姿势也能让你的胸部看起来更丰满。   13. I'm 15 and com-pletely flat-chested.   我现在15岁,胸部扁平。   14. The cock's breast is tinged with chestnut.   这只公鸡胸部羽毛呈浅栗色,带有白色细条纹。   15. The bullet hit him in the chest.   子弹击中了他的胸部。




bra是文胸/胸罩的意思。bra一般指的是纯棉文胸,有多种型号(镂空肩带bra、蕾丝边bra、无肩带bra)。bra起了保护乳房和美观的作用。在我国古代也有一种类似bra的东西叫作抹胸或者肚兜,现在有一种隐形胸罩叫作new-Bra是配合低胸礼服或者无肩带上衣来使用的。另外一定要注意bra的穿戴风格,工作场合尽量不要穿特别性感的bra。Bra一词源于法语,流行起来则是因为一本港片——《绝世好bra》,是很小资的叫法,大概等同于“文胸”吧。你也可以直接叫它“乳罩”或是“奶罩”,当然,作一点的话,可以叫它“小内内”。Bra其他含义1、奥运会巴西队简称BRA。2、在量子力学的Dirac符号体系中,bra表示左矢,表示符号为 < | 。3、BRA在PIC中是一个无条件跳转指令。4、在瑞典文里bra是“好”的意思。