我明天就要考班了 英语书找不到了 求苏教版六年级英语下册单词表 我给你们跪下了
一月January 二月February 三月March
四月April 五月May 六月June 七月July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December
2、星期 week
星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday 星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursd 星期五Friday 星期六Saturday 星期天Sunday
3、太阳sun 地球earth 月亮moon 星星star 春天spring 夏天summer 秋天autumn 冬天winter 风wind 雨rain 云cloud 雪snow 冰ice 多云的cloudy 晴朗的sunny 天空sky 小山hill 田野field 小河river 大海sea 木头wood 森林forest 石头stone 火fire 花朵flower 草地grass 树tree 树叶leaf
大象elephant 狮子lion 老虎tiger 熊bear 狼wolf 狐狸fox 斑马zebra 鹿deer 熊猫panda 猴子monkey 马horse 奶牛cow 驴donkey 绵羊 sheep 猪pig 狗dog 猫cat 兔子rabbit 老鼠mouse 公鸡cock 母鸡hen 小鸡chick 鸡(鸡肉)chicken 鸭duck 蝙蝠bat 蜘蛛spider 蚂蚁ant 蜗牛snail 蜻蜓dragonfly 蝴蝶butterfly 蜜蜂bee 苍蝇fly 蛇snake 青蛙frog 蟹crab 金鱼goldfish
六 年 级 英 语 单 词 学 习 表(2)
头发hair 耳朵ear 鼻子nose 眼睛eye 嘴巴mouth 头head 脸face 脖子neck 肩膀shoulder 胳膊arm 手hand 手指finger 腿leg 膝盖knee 脚foot / feet 脚趾toe
2、爸爸father 妈妈mother 爷爷外公grandfather 奶奶外婆grandmother 叔叔伯父uncle 阿姨姑姑 aunt 哥哥弟弟brother 姐姐妹妹sister 婴儿baby 女儿 daughter 儿子son 男孩boy 女孩girl 男人man 女人woman
3、工人worker 农民farmer 教师teacher 学生student 小学生pupil 医生doctor 护士nurse 警察policeman 驾驶员(司机)driver 厨师cook 国王king 王后queen
4、快乐的happy 伤心的sad 生气angry 哭cry 微笑smile 喊shout 走路walk 跑run 坐sit 站stand 跳jump 躺lie 睡sleep 读read 写write 听listen 唱sing 跳舞dance
米饭rice 面包bread 汉堡包hamburger 火腿ham 热狗hot dog 蛋糕cake 奶酪cheese 巧克力chocolate 比萨饼pizza 三明治sandwich 薯条chips 面条noodle 果汁juice 咖啡coffee 牛奶milk 雪碧sprite 可口可乐Coca Cola 冰激淋ice cream 茶tea 水water 蛋egg 月饼 moon cake
苹果apple 香蕉banana 梨pear 桔子orange 西红柿tomato 桃子peach 菠萝pineapple 葡萄grapes 芒果mango 柠檬lemon 西瓜watermelon 蔬菜vegetable 土豆potato 胡萝卜carrot
11、衣物clothing 上衣(短大衣)coat 大衣 overcoat 毛线衣sweater 裤子trousers 短裤shorts 夹克jacket 衬衫shirt 连衣裙dress 短裙skirt T-恤T-shirt 背心vest 帽子hat 领带tie 围巾scarf 手套gloves 鞋 shoe 袜子 sock 泳衣swimsuit 手表watch
12、刀knife 叉fork 筷子chopsticks 电子游戏computer game 宠物pet
六 年 级 英 语 单 词 学 习 表(3)
班级: 姓名: 家长评价: 组长评价: 总评:
1、游戏games 运动sports 玩具toy 布娃娃doll 棒球baseball 气球balloon 滑冰skate 游泳swim 足球football 篮球basketball 排球volleyball 乒乓球table tennis 跳高high jump 跳远long jump 风筝kite 舞会party
2、学习study 袋子bag 书包school bag 钢笔pen 铅笔pencil 盒子box 笔盒pencil-box 橡皮擦eraser 尺子ruler 学校school 图书馆library 地图 map 报纸newspaper 卡片card 图片picture 电脑computer 鼠标(老鼠)mouse 显示器monitor 打印机printer 键盘keyboard 黑板blackboard 书桌desk 桌子table 书柜bookcase 书book 笔记本notebook 钢琴piano 小提琴violin
3、颜色colour 红red 白white 黑black 蓝blue 棕brown 黄yellow 橙orange 绿green 灰grey / gray 粉红pink 紫purple
4、自行车bike 公共汽车bus 出租车taxi 小汽车car 火车train 飞机plane 地铁subway 小船boat 轮船ship
1 boss 自己做老板,为自己干活,自己作决定2brain 那首歌已经记在脑海里,永不会忘3disease 医生们相信已经治好了他的疾病6examles 医生举大量。。。的例子7expectig 我正期待几分重要来信8camps 夏令营9found?12greet 问候某人14happened 我刚好有事未完成15health 保健养生杂志16humiliate 我吓坏了,他们羞辱于我17industry?18 ink 黑色墨迹书写我尽力了。。。
1英尺(in)=30.48厘米(cm)英尺的转换:1mil=1/1000inch=0.00254cm=0.0254mm1inch=1000mil=2.54cm=25.4mm在英制里,12英寸(吋)为1英尺(呎),36英寸为1码。1英寸=16mm(数码感应器)扩展资料:1 foot 英尺(呎) = 0.00018939393939394miles(英里)=12 inches 英寸(吋) = 30.48 centimetres(厘米)=0.3048meters(米)在英语国家中,古代和现代各种以人脚长度为依据的长度计量单位。一般为25—34厘米。在许多其他西方语言中,脚和计量用的尺都用同一个词表示,虽然它所代表的长度各个地方、各个时期有所不同。例如德语言中的fuss,挪威和丹麦语中的fod等。在其他语言中,翻译成英语为foot,并表示类似长度单位的词,但并不与人脚的词相同,如日语和汉语中的尺。俄语中的fut看来只不过是英语foot的音译。在大多数国家里,英尺及其倍数和分数已分别被公制单位的米所取代。在少数几个国家里,仍沿用英尺,但还是用米来作注释,美国在1959年将英尺定为30.48厘米。古罗马人规定一英里等于1000跨步,一跨步约为罗马人5只脚的距离。库比特是古埃及采用的测量单位,表示从人的肘到中指尖的距离。库比特被现在码代替,一码等于2库比特。参考资料:百度百科---英尺参考资料:百度百科--厘米
Harnessing the Power of the SunWith rising fuel costs, climate change concerns and a growing demand for electricity, renewable energy resources such as solar power are becoming an increasingly valuable part of the world's energy mix. Around the globe, businesses and homeowners are harnessing the power of the earth's most abundant natural resource - sunlight - to provide energy using solar power.GE's solar electric power systems and products offer high quality, reliable power generation for residential, commercial and industrial applications. By partnering with the sun, solar energy can supply local power for on-and off-grid applications with zero noise pollution and air emissions. 掌握太阳与不断上涨的燃料成本,气候变化的关注和对电力的需求日益增加,可再生能源资源,如太阳能发电正在成为越来越有价值的一部分,世界上能源结构。全球各地的企业和业主都掌握了地球上最丰富的天然资源-阳光-提供能源利用太阳能发电。 The sun light in the semiconductor pn junction, the formation of a new hole - electron pairs in the pn junction of the role of the electric field, the hole flow from the n area p areas, electronic flow n by p zone area, connected to the circuit after the current form. This is the photoelectric effect of the working principle of solar cells. First, the way solar power generation solar power in two ways, one is light - heat - electricity conversion mode, and the other is light - electric direct conversion approach. (1) light - heat - electricity conversion of solar radiation through the use of thermal energy generated by power generation, is normally provided by solar collectors to heat absorbed by refrigerant into steam, and steam turbine-driven power generation. A process before it is light - heat conversion process; after a process of heat - electricity conversion process, as with an ordinary power. Drawback of solar thermal power generation is highly inefficient and costly, it is estimated that at least its investment than the average fire Power your 5 to 10 times. a 1000MW of solar thermal power plants need to invest 20 to 25 billion U.S. dollars, an average of 1kW of investment from 2000 to 2500 U.S. dollars. Therefore, at present, can only be applied to small-scale special occasions, and large-scale use in the economy is very uneconomical, but also with ordinary competing power plant or nuclear power plants. (2) Optical - Electric direct conversion approach is the use of the photoelectric effect, solar radiation will be directly converted into electrical energy, light - the basic power conversion is the solar cell device. Solar cell is a kind of volts due to the effects of photovoltaic solar energy will be directly converted into electrical energy device is a semiconductor photodiode, when the sun's light to the photodiode, the photodiode will be the sun's light energy into power, resulting in current. When many cells are connected in series or parallel can be up to become a relatively large output power of a square solar cells. Solar cells is a promising new type of power supply, with a permanent, clean and flexibility of the three major advantages. Solar battery life long, as long as there is sun, solar cells can be an investment in long-term use; and thermal power, nuclear power generation compared to solar cells will not cause environmental pollution; Xinhuanet both solar cells can be as large as one million kilowatts of medium-sized power plants, small enough to only use a solar battery, which is unmatched by other power通用电气公司的太阳能电力系统和产品提供高品质,可靠发电的住宅,商业和工业应用。通过与太阳,太阳能可以提供当地的电力,供市民和离网应用与零噪音污染和废气排放 太阳光照在半导体p-n结上,形成新的空穴-电子对,在p-n结电场的作用下,空穴由n区流向p区,电子由p区流向n区,接通电路后就形成电流。这就是光电效应太阳能电池的工作原理。 一、太阳能发电方式太阳能发电有两种方式,一种是光—热—电转换方式,另一种是光—电直接转换方式。 (1) 光—热—电转换方式通过利用太阳辐射产生的热能发电,一般是由太阳能集热器将所吸收的热能转换成工质的蒸气,再驱动汽轮机发电。前一个过程是光—热转换过程;后一个过程是热—电转换过程,与普通的火力发电一样.太阳能热发电的缺点是效率很低而成本很高,估计它的投资至少要比普通火电站贵5~10倍.一座1000MW的太阳能热电站需要投资20~25亿美元,平均1kW的投资为2000~2500美元。因此,目前只能小规模地应用于特殊的场合,而大规模利用在经济上很不合算,还不能与普通的火电站或核电站相竞争。 (2) 光—电直接转换方式该方式是利用光电效应,将太阳辐射能直接转换成电能,光—电转换的基本装置就是太阳能电池。太阳能电池是一种由于光生伏特效应而将太阳光能直接转化为电能的器件,是一个半导体光电二极管,当太阳光照到光电二极管上时,光电二极管就会把太阳的光能变成电能,产生电流。当许多个电池串联或并联起来就可以成为有比较大的输出功率的太阳能电池方阵了。太阳能电池是一种大有前途的新型电源,具有永久性、清洁性和灵活性三大优点.太阳能电池寿命长,只要太阳存在,太阳能电池就可以一次投资而长期使用;与火力发电、核能发电相比,太阳能电池不会引起环境污染;太阳能电池可以大中小并举,大到百万千瓦的中型电站,小到只供一户用的太阳能电池组,这是其它电源无法比拟的