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希拉里 斯万克

时间:2024-12-10 08:45:22 编辑:阿旭


introduction about hillary Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton, born in 1947, secretary of state of the United States (2009- ), Democratic member of the United States Senate from New York (2001-2009), wife of United States president Bill Clinton (1993-2001), and candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination for the 2008 presidential race. During her husband’s presidency, she became a powerful symbol of the changing role and status of women in American society. Her election to the U.S. Senate while being first lady was unprecedented in U.S. history.

In announcing her candidacy for the presidency, Clinton was widely seen as the first female candidate with a strong prospect of winning her party’s nomination. However, she fell short of winning enough delegates to secure the nomination, losing to U.S. senator Barack Obama of Illinois. Nearly a month after winning the presidential race, Obama named Clinton as his choice to head the Department of State.


希拉里·斯万克(Hilary Swank),1974年7月30日出生于美国华盛顿, 美国影视演员。1985年初登荧幕,参演电视剧《成长的烦恼》。1992年,出演首部影片《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》。1994年,由她主演的《空手道神童4》上映1。1999年,她主演了《男孩别哭》,并凭借片中的表演获得第72届奥斯卡最佳女主角奖和金球奖最佳女主角奖2。2005年,她凭借影片《百万美元宝贝》中的表演再度获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。2009年,希拉里·斯万克凭借在《艾米莉亚》中的表演获得好莱坞电影奖年度女主角奖3。2014年,她主演的《送乡人》入围第67届戛纳国际电影节主竞赛单元4。

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