歌名: Fly me to the moon 歌词: Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars In other words
hold my hand In other words
kiss me Fill my life with song And let me sing for ever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words
please be true In other words
I love you Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars In other words
hold my hand In other words
kiss me Fill my life with song Let me sing for ever more You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words
please be true In other words
in other words In other words
in other words In other words I love ... you
参考: metrolyrics/fly-me-to-the-moon-lyrics-diana-krall
疑幻人生 电视剧【法网狙击】主题曲 主唱:森美 谢天华 作曲:叶肇中 填词:黄厚霖 歌词 疑幻人生 无需答辩 如野火蔓延 我做最光最闪 人生 难分恶善 无悔洗掉从前 与罪恶力拼每一天 凭信念揭发最邪恶一面 勇气傲气有正义在这边 任何是非都不过得两面 不畏惧那怕结局再胆颤 尽了力那怕会遇到闪电 凭努力揭秘恶行定胜天 只靠自己可通过真试炼 将正义倍数放大到天边 疑幻人生 无需答辩 如野火蔓延 我做最光最闪 人生 难分恶善 无悔洗掉从前 与罪恶力拼每一天
参考: 坚定歌词
疑幻人生 主唱: 谢天华. 森美
疑幻人生 - 主唱: 谢天华 森美
参考: 夜晚播主题曲见到
法网狙击 庞世邦的那个手下是谁扮演的