自相矛盾的英语是paradox。自相矛盾的典故:有一个楚国人,既卖盾又卖矛。他夸耀自己的盾:“我的盾坚固无比,没有什么东西能够穿透它。”又夸耀自己的矛:“我的矛锋利极了,任何坚固的东西都穿得透。”有人问他:“如果用您的矛刺您的盾,结果会怎么样呢?”那人张口结舌,一句话也回答不上来。什么都不能刺穿的盾与什么都能刺穿的矛,不可能同时存在于这个世界上。后世常用“自相矛盾”比喻人的语言、行动前后抵触、不相应合。亦指同伙之间发生争吵或冲突。例句:1、有些尽头比其他的更有可能性。有些,比如像时间的尽头,则是彻头彻尾的自相矛盾。Some of these endings are more probable than others. Some, such as the end of time, are downright paradoxical.2、这就导致了自相矛盾的结果,为保护普通劳动者的工作而出台的法律可能会使这些岗位面临风险。Consequently—and paradoxically—laws introduced to protect the jobs of ordinary workers may be placing those jobs at risk.3、自相矛盾的是,你要做的事情越少,就越是对突然落在你身上的工作不满。Paradoxically, the less you have to do the more you may resent the work that does come your way.4、本文在此只能提出基本的框架和建议,其中定有不成熟、自相矛盾的地方,希望得到大家的批评指正。The dissertation has some incomplete, even self-contradiction, ideas. But we hope readers could help us and we will do it better.5、将做好事与金钱联系在一起是自相矛盾的,也绝不是提高人们的道德标准的好捷径。To connect good deeds to money is self-contradictory and will never be a good shortcut to raising people's moral standards.
自相矛盾 英文版
更新1: '自相矛盾'for the whole story!!! 英文版 英文版--自相矛盾 The Shield And The Spear There was once a street vendor who hawked shields and spears. One day he said to the passer *** y "Look at my shields! They are the strongest you can find. Made of the most durable material nothing can pierce them." After a while he picked up a spear and bragged "Look at this spear! It's the sharpest you can find. Made of the hardest material it can pierce anything. Come and see for yourself!" An onlooker came up to the street vendor and asked "Tell me what will happen if I throw you spear at your shield." "Well..." the boastful street vendor was tongue-tied. 中文对照--自相矛盾 自相矛盾 从前有个小贩,在街头贩卖矛和盾。 他说:「看我的盾,多么坚固!它是用最坚韧的材料做的,不论甚么东西,都不能刺穿它。」 过了一会,他又举起一支长矛说:「看这支长矛,多么锋利!它是用最坚硬的材料做的,不管甚么东西,都能刺破。你们大家来开开眼界吧。」 有个观众听了,走到小贩面前问道:「如果用你的矛去刺你的盾,又将会如何呢?」 那爱吹嘘的小贩被他问得哑口无言了。 Self-contradictory ! contradiction / self-contradication i.e. The statement "A circle is a square" is a contradiction. "圆是正方形"这句话是自相矛盾的说法。 你下次可以查字典ga. Self-contradictory contradiction / self-contradication i.e. The statement "A circle is a square" is a contradiction. "圆是正方形"这句话是自相矛盾的说法。
自相矛盾翻译成英语是 paradox; self-contradiction; tergiversate; be self-contradictory; contradict oneself翻译例句:1. “游牧者的定居”是用词上的自相矛盾。A 'nomad settlement' is a contradiction in terms.2. 一些镇静剂产生出使人更紧张这样自相矛盾的结果。Some sedatives produce the paradoxical effect of making the person more anxious.3. 他因发表出人意料的,经常自相矛盾的观点,而臭名昭著。He is notorious for making unexpected, often self-contradictory, comments.4. 瑞典人会发现这种自相矛盾,并试图找到解决办法。The Swedes will find this paradoxical and try to find solutions.5. 也许童谣本身并没有意义,内容甚至会显得有些自相矛盾。A nursery rhyme may not make sense and even seem contradictory.6. 有些尽头比其他的更有可能性。有些,比如像时间的尽头,则是彻头彻尾的自相矛盾。Some of these endings are more probable than others. Some, such as the end of time, are downright paradoxical.7. 这些成功却自相矛盾地掩盖了历史上积累的不利因素所造成的巨大人力成本,而这些不利因素仍然是美国黑人生活的核心。These successes paradoxically obscure the tremendous human costs of historically accumulated disadvantage that remain central to black Americans' lives.8. 他们对发生的事所作的陈述自相矛盾,使我迷惑不解。They confused me with conflicting accounts of what happened.