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爱丽丝梦游仙境 影评

时间:2025-01-09 05:44:10 编辑:阿旭






英文:The film has won the favor of female audiences and believes that the film is rich in imagination and full of children's interest. All kinds of lovely animals in the film add a unique attraction to the film: the pocket watch rabbit at the beginning of the film, the hound looking for Alice.the little mouse and Crazy Rabbit in the "crazy three swordsmen", the poor frog waiters in the "Queen of hearts" palace, the monkey holding the lamp. the little fat pig rubbed by the "Queen of hearts", and where there are animal scenes in the film, Will cause a little commotion in the audience.中文:影片深得女性观众欢心,认为影片想象力丰富,充满童趣。片中各种各样可爱的动物让影片多了一分独特的看点:影片开始时的怀表兔子,寻找爱丽丝的猎犬。“疯子三剑客”中的小老鼠和疯兔子,“红桃皇后”皇宫那些可怜的青蛙侍者,猴子掌灯,被“红桃皇后”拿来蹭脚的小肥猪,凡在影片中出现了有动物场景,都会在观众中引起小骚动。剧情:9岁的爱丽丝曾经来到过奇境,但她一直怀疑真实性并老做噩梦,只有父亲一直鼓励爱丽丝。距离那一次历险奇遇已经过去了十年。曾经漫游奇境的爱丽丝(米娅·华希科沃斯卡饰),已经19岁的她生活在一个华丽富庶的大庄园里,衣食无忧,生活奢靡。在社会风气的带动下,渐渐的成长为家庭心目中所冀望的那种贵族女子,却早已忘却自己在9岁时的那些奇妙无比的经历。


This is a story book,inside story of tall tales,bizarre and ridiculous;
This is a but hundreds of pages of the book,showing just a little girl a long afternoon to meet a variety of impossible animals and humans;
It is also a book even seem very ordinary book in the children's book,all roles in the story are talking,all have their own ideas--and hardly any different than any fairy tale story.
From beginning to end,the entire story is strange like that.
Alice has been inexplicably larger smaller,that was almost drowned their tears;
She saw a lot of animals and a lot of people,trying to talk to them,but they are completely normal,and it is not friendly;
She has been kept on asking questions,but – regardless of who gave her a sensible answer,but Alice was still believe!
All this makes me so to laugh or cry.
When Alice while sleepwalking