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时间:2025-02-08 14:20:13 编辑:阿旭


century意思是世纪。双语例句1The world has undergone tremendous changes in the 21st century.全世界在21世纪都发生了巨大的变化。2The athlete scored a few centuries in a cricket match.这位运动员在板球比赛中得到了几个100分。3This ancient city has a history of almost a century.这座古城有差不多近一百年的历史。4This building must be centuries old.这座建筑一定有几个世纪的历史了5The customs of contemporary society are much different than those of a century ago.当代社会的风俗与一个世纪前已大不相同。开言地道表达 - Dinner with clients Part 16We went to the museum, and I saw a beautiful 18th century mosaic.我们去了博物馆,我看到了一幅美丽的18世纪时期的镶嵌画。


century意思是世纪;百年。century,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“世纪,百年;(板球)一百分”。网络翻译:世纪要货币竞相性贬值引发的风险应引起各方重视。 张枕河 黄金联盟注册:Time(时间): century(世纪) year(年) season(季节) month(月份) week(星期) day(白天) 百年early 1770's ;in the late 1590's 。 世纪指一百年(century ),用“the +序数词+century”表示。单杆过百分,并没有要求是第一杆,任一杆只要一杆超过一百分都是单杆过百。选手在比赛中的单杆得分,特别是单杆过百(Century)的次数是衡量一个选手技术水平的重要指标。选手在正式比赛中打出的单杆过百都会被官方记录。 世纪表ngenberg) 先生开创性地打造出第一款完UTcd气密的拥有传世魅力的Ntzm从而创立了世纪表 (Century) 。其子菲利普·克林根贝尔格 (Philip W. A. Klingenberg) 受父亲影响,延续。新世纪M CHEVROLET(雪佛兰) GM CADILLAC(凯迪拉克) GM CMC(吉姆西) 新世纪(Century) 君威(Regal) GL8君越(Lacrosse) 。装步兵,辅以1,200名轻装步兵和300骑兵,就是一个军团(Legion)。最基本的战术单位是百人队(Century),其实只有60人;两个百人队120人组成一个中队(Maniple) 。century例句:He is a poet from another century .他是来自另一个世纪的诗人。In your arms, accompany you towards evening, towards the next century.挽你的手臂,陪你走向黄昏,走向下一个世纪。So why can't we do this? Why can't this be one of the great American projects of the 21stcentury?那么为什么我们不能这样做呢?为什么这样做不能成为21世纪美国的伟大工程之一呢?The old town is a mixture of narrow medieval streets and 18th-century architecture. 这个古镇是中世纪狭窄街道和18世纪建筑的混合体。


century的复数形式是变y为i再加es,即centuries。1、N-COUNT 世纪 A century is a period of a hundred years that is used when stating a date. For example, the 19th century was the period from 1801 to 1900.celebrated figures of the late eighteenth century.18世纪晚期的名人2、N-COUNT 一百年 A century is any period of a hundred years.The drought there is the worst in a century.这是一百年来最严重的旱灾。3、N-COUNT (板球中一名击球手获得的)一百分,一百多分 In cricket, a century is a score of one hundred runs or more by one batsman.


主句:Their language is basically seventeenth-century French.
从句:English,Spanish and Italian words have been added to (which = French).