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时间:2025-02-08 17:45:14 编辑:阿旭


creeper歌词如下:Nobody pays regard no moreYou spend your welcome then kept spending some moreNobody seems to know why forIt was all so exciting till it became a boreCreeper there's a spore in the soil that wasn't there beforeThat seedling's got a sibling and maybe a thousand moreYou grow them up till they crawl in the doorTake over the porch and all across the floorCreeper creeperI promised the landlord when i moved inTo yank out all the creepers and give the weeds a trimBut i've grown quite fond of the company i keepIt takes one to grow oneAnd a creeper to love a creeper相关作品《Revenge》是一首2011年由CaptainSparklez制作、TryHardNinja演唱的“Minecraft版本”改编歌,原曲是2010年Usher的《DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love》。改编过的歌词内容叙述一名玩家被creeper攻击最后决定打造装备反击,最令人印象深刻的就是歌曲开头演唱者所喊的“Creeper”以及音调莫名洗脑的回复“Aw man”。过了大约十天,有人模仿这部影片的游戏形式Creeper Aw man,在Discord上做实验,只要喊出creeper,就有人自动接下一句。某些人仿照原始影片的形式把改编曲和接龙的留言剪在一起,不过中间多了更多明显乱来的留言和音效。这波挑战风潮也蔓延到其他社群,像是Reddit和推特,因而开始大红起来。


歌词:Poison Pens - CreeperWritten by:Creeper/Neil KennedyOur love is deadWe were two kids playing with matchesWe never had a sparkYoung and numb sleepless with back patchesThere's this pool of angst I'm drowning inWe're falling fastAnd you're in last year's quicksand paddling sinkingGather up your friends come watch me chokeOur love is dead hang your headFrom the clock tower I'm sniping off lovers who dare elopeDead hang your headAnd I'm so sick of singing songs for youFrom in the wingsSo sick of obsessing on all you doI'd always hoped that I would die dreamingOr sleepwalkingIt always seemed like hell was just living breathingFalling fastGather up your friends come watch me chokeOur love is dead hang your headFrom the clock tower I'm sniping off lovers who dare elopeDead hang your headI fell like an angel for youNow I do the deeds that devils doAnd kids are singing carols againAnd all I wanted was the world to endYeah and I fell like an angel for youNow I do the deeds that devils doAnd kids are singing carols againAnd all I wanted was the world to end to endOur love is deadGather up your friends come watch me chokeOur love is dead hang your headFrom the clock tower I'm sniping off lovers who dare elopeDead hang your headCreeper,网络流行词。Creeper原本指游戏《我的世界》里的一种生物“爬行者”,后因2019年7月8日网友king在YouTube上与朋友在Discord上用打字接龙的方式唱出《Revenge》这首改编歌曲,在网络上成为流行的梗。

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