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时间:2025-02-09 12:40:35 编辑:阿旭


“鳄鱼”的英语是:crocodile。在英语里发音:英 ['krɒkədaɪl]     美 ['krɑːkədaɪl] 详尽释义n. (名词)鳄鱼; 鳄鱼皮革; 鳄类动物;变形:复数: crocodiles相关例句:1、A rather gruesome stewed crocodile claw? 有点可怕的煮鳄鱼爪?2、"I was inspired by the movie Crocodile Dundee," he added. 他称:“我是受电影《鳄鱼邓迪》的启发迷上扔飞刀的。3、Interesting Fact: The Nile croc is the largest African crocodile species. 有意思的事实:尼罗河鳄是非洲最大的鳄鱼品种。4、A little way off the crocodile lay blinking in the sun, with his sharp teeth and whity-yellow jaws wide open. 太阳下,一条有着锋利的牙齿和张着浅黄色大口的小鳄鱼在不远处趴着,对他们视而不见。


鳄鱼的英语翻译是crocodile。词汇分析音标:英 ['krɒkədaɪl] 美 ['krɑkə'daɪl] 释义: 鳄鱼短语mugger crocodile 沼泽鳄 ; 恒河鳄Crocodile Clips 鳄鱼夹crocodile walk 鳄鱼行Crocodile Teeth 鳄鱼牙齿White Crocodile 白鳄鱼拓展资料1、A rather gruesome stewed crocodile claw? 有点可怕的煮鳄鱼爪?2、"I was inspired by the movie Crocodile Dundee," he added. 他称:“我是受电影《鳄鱼邓迪》的启发迷上扔飞刀的。3、Interesting Fact: The Nile croc is the largest African crocodile species. 有意思的事实:尼罗河鳄是非洲最大的鳄鱼品种。4、A little way off the crocodile lay blinking in the sun, with his sharp teeth and whity-yellow jaws wide open. 太阳下,一条有着锋利的牙齿和张着浅黄色大口的小鳄鱼在不远处趴着,对他们视而不见。5、Then the prince turned with a shout of triumph, and the crocodile sulkily plunged into the river.于是,王子发出一声胜利的欢呼,鳄鱼闷闷不乐地跳入河中。


鳄鱼的英语:alligator。读音:英[ˈælɪɡeɪtər]、美[ˈælɪɡeɪtər]。例句:He was grappling with an alligator in a lagoon.他当时正与环礁湖里的一只鳄鱼搏斗。alligator造句。1、那是真正的鳄鱼皮。That was real crocodile skin.2、鳄鱼的尾巴在急速地左右甩动。The crocodile's tail was lashing furiously from side to side.3、两只鳄鱼把它们的大嘴栖息在水面上。Two alligators rest their snouts on the water's surface.4、有条鳄鱼就潜伏在水面下。A crocodile was lurking just below the surface.


鳄鱼:〈名〉 crocodile; alligator,常用短语【鳄鱼眼泪】[èyú-yǎnlèi]crocodile tears—hypocrisy掉鳄鱼眼泪shed crocodile tears鳄鱼:鳄鱼(Crocodile)一种冷血的卵生动物。鳄鱼是极其珍贵的动物。鳄鱼不是鱼,是爬行动物,鳄鱼之名,或是由于其像鱼一样在水中嬉戏,故而得名"鳄鱼"。鳄鱼 是迄今发现活着的最早和最原始的动物之一。出现于三叠纪至白垩纪的中生代(约两亿年前),性情凶猛的脊椎类爬行动物,它和恐龙是同时代的动物,属肉食性动物。公认鳄鱼的品种共23种。