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时间:2025-02-10 14:21:35 编辑:阿旭

these days 是什么时态

其时态可以用:现在(一般、进行、完成、完成进行)时态。 该时间状语与现在有直接关系,即从前些天直到现在。所以,主句时态应用现在时态,如: 现在完成时:These days we have handled not less than problems. 扩展资料   现在完成进行时:we have been handling a couple of the critical questions these days.   一般现在时:we handle a lot of troubles these days.   现在进行时:we're always handling a variety of difficulties there these days.

these days 用什么时态?

these days用的时态包括一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时、现在完成进行时,these days的意思是这几天,这些天,可以表示的时态是比较多的。该单词中的day的基本意思是“一天”,指二十四小时长的一段时间,是可数名词。也可指“日间,白天”,既可用作可数名词,又可用作不可数名词,通常不加冠词。

1.these days. 中文的翻译是这些日子,或者是最近。通常用的是现在式,或者是现在完成式。比方说:A:The weatherisnice these days.最近的天气很好。(泛指一般的状况,并没有强调某个时间点)
B:Ihaven't seenhim these days.我最近都没有看到他。(表示我没有看到他的这个状况,已经持续一段时间了,所以用完成式,语态,是主动的。)
C: This movie is played in the thraters these days.这部电影最近在戏院里头被放映。(现在式的被动语态)
D: This issuehas been discussedmany times these days.这个话题,最近已经被讨论很多次了。(现在完成式的被动语态)希望这些例子,能帮到你。

on these days/ in these days?

"On these days"
"in these days"
and "these days" are all grammatically correct
but carry different meaning.(1) these days: = nowadays
at the present time
now 当今,今时今日,现在这些日子 e.g.: People are more health conscious these days. (在这句,不可以说或写"in these days"
或 "on these days") (2) in these days: = during these days 在这段曰子里 e.g. August 1st to August 15 this year was the warmest period of the year. In these days the sale of air-conditioners was substantially higher. (3) on these days = on these (particular) days (在这些曰子里 (不一定是连续的) e.g. We usually eat at my parent's every sunday. On these days we would eat more than the rest of the week added together. Regarding tenses
for "these days"
use present tense
because it refers to the present time. For "in these days" or "on these days" use whatever tense that is appropriate for the "time" referring to. For example
in (3) above
if a "past" time is referred to
then the past tense will need to be used: "We ate at my parent's every sunday for the past 2 months. On these days we ate more than the rest of the week added together."
参考: encarta.msn/thesaurus_561598381/these_days
In These Days
参考: shrinke.im/a8VOd
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好似in these days顺口啲 ^^" these days有最近既意思
所以用present or present prefect会比较适合啲。
on these days/ in these days? Both are used in oral English. Both mean these days - for examples I have been very busy lately / recently/these days. no need to add in or on but people do not count your grammar during conversation so it does not matter. However
we better speak or write proper English whenever we could