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时间:2025-02-10 14:29:22 编辑:阿旭


中文 翻译成法语是chinois如果是指动词的翻译动作、行为,则是:traduire和rendre...en + 语言;如果是指名词的翻译动作、行为,则是:traduction;如果是指名词的翻译员,则是:traducteur和interprète翻译技巧:要真正掌握英译汉的技巧并非易事。这是因为英译汉时会遇到各种各样的困难;首先是英文理解难,这是学习、使用英文的人的共同感觉,由于两国历史、文化、风俗习惯的不同,所以一句英文在英美人看来顺理成章,而在中国人看来却是颠颠倒倒、断断续续,极为别扭。二是中文表达难,英译汉有时为了要找到一个合适的对等词汇,往往被弄得头昏眼花,好象在脑子里摸一个急于要开箱子的钥匙,却没有。另外,英译汉时对掌握各种文化知识的要求很高,因为我们所翻译的文章其内容可能涉及到极为广博的知识领域,而这些知识领域多半是我们不大熟悉的外国的事情,如果不具备相应的文化知识难免不出现一些翻译中的差错或笑话。正是因为英译汉时会遇到这么多的困难,所以,我们必须通过翻译实践,对英汉两种不同语言的特点加以对比、概况和总结,以找出一般的表达规律来,避免出现一些不该出现的翻译错误,而这些表达的规律就是我们所说的翻译技巧。


1. 法语:Je vous aime。翻译成中文就是:我爱你。2. 法语:je vous aime bien。翻译成中文就是:我喜欢你。3. 法语:Bonjour。中文:你好。4. 法语:pardon。中文:打扰一下。5. 法语:Merci。中文:谢谢。6. 法语:Rencontrez votre amour turbulent, regardez tout dans le monde romantique!中文:遇见你爱意汹涌,看世间万物都浪漫心动!7. 法语:Joignez-vous à moi pour déclarer la guerre à cette ère d'amour effréné de la restauration rapide !中文:与我联手向这个快餐爱情肆意横行的年代宣战吧!8.法语: La même année est la même, j'attends toujours avec impatience l'année。中文:年年亦如此,我仍盼年年。以上是我挑选的一些常用语和优美句子的法语给大家翻译成了中文。其实法语翻译成中文,如果你没有学过法语的话,我们可以网上找翻译器翻译哦!也可以去下载专门翻译法语的软件,都是可以把法语翻译成中文的!


Along with the rapid development of the high-rise building technology, high-rise buildings in the city space has become the indispensable element, become a beautiful scenery of the city, but high-rise building and urban spatial fusion remains some defects.
Today's rapid development, the high-tech rapidly changing society, along with China's entry into the wto, professions and continuously reform and innovation, which is one of the pillar industry as social construction and new challenges.
This project is a four-star hotel, including shopping malls, guest room, dining, entertainment, healthy, underground parking, several main part of large scale and complicated functions. Land is located in heihe city commercial centre, prominent location. In the design process fully considers the urban environment, architectural function, shape dimension of each respect such as required. The paper introduced in heihe project and design or hotel.


According to investigate to there are a lot of primary and junior high school being disgusted with living to learn motion, I think that the reason have:The student's oneself study's interest isn't thick and lack exactitude of study target.Should try education thought of influence.After the teacher's education idea Zhi.
1, transfer the study of the kid interest.Attention usage dissimilarity of study method, such as comprehensive usage listen to, say, read, write, avoid study time over long make kid mentally creation annoy motion.The conditioned family return can match recording, record image etc. electricity turn teaching means, exaltation kid of study interest.
2, development kid good study habit.The parent is good to kid habit of the formation want to start to do since the childhood, to the study of the kid is in principle can instruction, but will never be fully responsible for to replace, let the kid is in the study of the process establishment sense of responsibility and independence.
3, help kid establishment exactitude of study method.Reasonable make use of time and brain, don't make tired military tactics, win victory by quality.
4, help kid together teacher the establishment be good relation.Development he carry on association with kid of ability, improvement mentally rightness collective life of orientation ability .